Verse 1
When ministers make known
What God by them hath done,
We who pray’d for their success,
Thankful for our answer’d prayer,
Testify his faithfulness,
All his gracious works declare.
Verse 2
With joy we now approve
The truth of Jesus love:
God, the universal God
He the door hath open’d wide,
Faith on sinners poor bestow’d,
Wash’d them in his bleeding side.
Verse 3
Purg’d from the stains of sin
By faith they entred in,
Purchas’d and redeem’d of old
Added to the chosen race,
Now receiv’d into the fold
Heathens sing their Saviour’s praise.
Verse 4
With them we lift our voice,
Partakers of their joys,
Conscious of the blood applied,
Freely all thro’ faith forgiven:
Faith renews the justified,
Faith unfolds the gates of heaven.