Verse 1
Where shall this memorial end?
Thither let our souls ascend,
Live on earth to heaven restor’d,
Wait the coming of our Lord.
Verse 2
Jesus terminates our hope,
Jesus is our wishes’ scope,
End of this great mystery
Him we fain would die to see.
Verse 3
He whom we remember here,
Christ shall in the clouds appear,
Manifest to every eye,
We shall soon behold him nigh.
Verse 4
Faith ascends the mountain’s height,
Now enjoys the pompous sight,
Antedates the final doom,
Sees the judge in glory come.
Verse 5
Lo, he comes triumphant down,
Seated on his great white throne!
Cherubs bear it on their wings,
Shouting bear the King of kings.
Verse 6
Lo, his glorious banner spread
Stains the skies with deepest red,
Dies the land, and fires the wood,
Turns the ocean into blood.
Verse 7
Gather’d to the well-known sign
We our elder brethren join,
Swiftly to our Lord fly up,
Hail him on the mountain-top;
Verse 8
Take our happy seats above,
Banquet on his heavenly love,
Lean on our Redeemer’s breast,
In his arms for ever rest.