Who is as the Christian great?

Verse 1
Who is as the Christian great!
Bought, and wash’d with sacred blood,
Crowns he sees beneath his feet,
Soars aloft, and walks with God.

Verse 2
Who is as the Christian wise!
He his nought for all hath given,
Bought the pearl of greatest price,
Nobly barter’d earth for heaven.

Verse 3
Who is as the Christian blest!
He hath found the long-sought stone,
He is join’d to Christ his rest,
He and happiness are one.

Verse 4
Earth and heaven together meet,
Gifts in him and graces join,
Make the character compleat,
All immortal, all divine.

Verse 5
Lo! his cloathing is the Sun,
The bright Sun of righteousness,
He hath put salvation on,
Jesus is his beauteous dress.

Verse 6
Lo! he feeds on living bread,
Drinks the fountain from above,
Leans on Jesu’s breast his head;
Feasts forever on his love.

Verse 7
Angels here his servants are,
Spread for him their golden wings,
To his throne of glory bear,
Seat him by the King of kings.

Verse 8
Who shall gain that heavenly height,
Who his Saviour’s face shall see?
I, who claim it in his right,
Christ hath bought it all for me.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "The Christian." This is thought to likely be a Charles Wesley hymn, but there is also a chance John Wesley wrote it. Introduced in A Collection of Moral and Sacred Poems, Vol. 3, published by John Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1744). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 3 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 164.
Publishing: Public Domain