Verse 1
Who Jesus revere,
To his servants give ear,
While we publish and show
The miraculous work of his mercy below;
His astonishing grace
To the reprobate race,
Who are sav’d, and set free
By a sight of the Lamb, as He hangs on the tree!
Verse 2
They had nothing to plead,
Not a word, or a deed,
Not a truly good thought
When his mercy appear’d with a pardon unsought:
They were strangers to God,
An heathenish croud,
They had nothing to pay,
When He wash’d all their sins in a moment away.
Verse 3
Freely pardon’d they were,
And to sinners declare,
Who all evil have done
May with them be absolv’d by his mercy alone,
By believing in Him
Ever near to redeem
A poor desperate race,
And to save the whole world by his wonderful grace.