Verse 1
Will the pardning God despise
A poor mourner’s sacrifice,
One who brings his all to thee,
All his sin and misery!
Verse 2
Saviour, see my troubled breast,
Heaving, panting after rest,
Jesu, mark my hollow eye,
Never clos’d, and never dry.
Verse 3
Listen to my plaintive moans,
Deep uninterrupted groans,
Keep not silence at my tears,
Quiet all my griefs and fears.
Verse 4
Good Physician, shew thine art,
Bind thou up my broken heart;
Aches it not for thee, my God,
Pants to feel thy balmy blood?
Verse 5
Gushing from thy wounded side
Might I feel it now applied,
Wouldst thou in my last distress
Heal, and bid me die in peace!
Verse 6
Jesus, answer all thy name,
Save me from my fear, and shame,
Sunk in desp’rate misery,
Sinner’s friend, remember me.
Verse 7
By thy bonds my soul release,
By thy pain mine anguish ease,
By thy bloody sweat, I pray,
Wash my inbred sin away.
Verse 8
Quicken by thy parting breath,
By thy life-inspiring death,
Save me, by thy burial save,
Hide me in thy quiet grave.
Verse 9
Skreen my faint devoted head,
Write me free among the dead,
With thy pardning mercy blest
Take me to my endless rest.