Would the Saviour of mankind

Verse 1
Would the Saviour of mankind
Without his people die?
No, to him we all are join’d
As more than standers by.
Freely as the victim came
To the altar of his cross,
We attend the slaughter’d Lamb,
And suffer for his cause.

Verse 2
Him ev’n now by faith we see:
Before our eyes he stands!
On the suffering deity
We lay our trembling hands,
Lay our sins upon his head,
Wait on the dread sacrifice,
Feel the lovely victim bleed,
And die while Jesus dies!

Verse 3
Sinners see, he dies for all,
And feel his mortal wound,
Prostrate on your faces fall,
And kiss the hallow’d ground;
Hallow’d by the streaming blood,
Blood, whose virtue all may know,
Sharers with the dying God,
And crucified below.

Verse 4
Sprinkled with the blood we lye,
And bless its cleansing power,
Crying in the Spirit’s cry,
Our Saviour we adore!
Jesu, Lord, whose cross we bear,
Let thy death our sins destroy,
Make us who thy sorrow share
Partakers of thy joy.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced in a hymnal jointly credited to John and Charles Wesley; it is likely though not fully certain that Charles wrote it. Introduced in Hymns on the Lord's Supper, published by John and Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1745).Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 3 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 314.
Publishing: Public Domain