Ye heavens, rejoice

Verse 1
Ye heavens, rejoice
In Jesus’s grace,
Let earth make a noise,
And eccho his praise!
Our all-loving Saviour
Hath pacified God,
And paid for his favour
The price of his blood.

Verse 2
Ye mountains and vales
In praises abound,
Ye hills and ye dales
Continue the sound,
Break forth into singing
Ye trees of the wood,
For Jesus’s[1] bringing
Lost sinners to God.

Verse 3
Atonement he made
For every one,
The debt he hath paid,
The work he hath done,
Shout all the creation
Below and above,
Ascribing salvation
To Jesus his[2] love.

Verse 4
His mercy hath brought
Salvation to all,
Who take it unbought,
He frees them from thrall,
Throughout the believer
His glory displays,
And perfects for ever
The vessels of grace.

[1] Wesley changed “Jesus’s” to “Jesus is” in 1761.
[2] Wesley changed “Jesus is” to “Jesus’s” in 1756.

Hymnal/Album: Introduced by Charles Wesley in Hymns for Those that Seek and Those that have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ (London: Strahan, 1747).
Publishing: Public Domain