Verse 1
Ye royal priests of Jesus, rise,
And join the daily sacrifice,
Join all believers in his name
To offer up the spotless Lamb.
Verse 2
Your meat and your drink-offerings throw
On him who suffer’d once below,
But ever lives with God above,
To plead for us his dying love.
Verse 3
Whate’er we cast on him alone
Is with his great oblation one,
His sacrifice doth ours sustain,
And favour and acceptance gain.
Verse 4
On him, who all our burthens bears,
We cast our praises and our prayers,
Ourselves we offer up to God,
Implung’d in his atoning blood.
Verse 5
Mean are our noblest offerings,
Poor feeble unsubstantial things;
But when to him our souls we lift,
The altar sanctifies the gift.
Verse 6
Our persons and our deeds aspire
When cast into that hallow’d fire,
Our most imperfect efforts please
When join’d to Christ our righteousness.
Verse 7
Mixt with the sacred smoke we rise,
The smoke of his burnt sacrifice,
By the eternal Spirit driven
From earth, in Christ we mount to heaven.