Verse 1
Ye souls, that own the common Lord,
Who suffer’d once for all,
And wait with us the hallowing word,
Which saves us from our fall;
Verse 2
You, though in body distant far,
We now in spirit meet,
You (for our souls united are)
In Jesu’s name we greet.
Verse 3
United in the closest bands,
Whom seas and mountains part;
The Spirit more than joins our hands,
He makes us one in heart.
Verse 4
Fellowship to the world unknown,
In Jesu’s name we prove,
Jesus is our chief corner stone,
And cements us by love.
Verse 5
From him our mingled blessings flow,
We feel his blood applied,
And nothing seek, and nothing know,
But Jesus crucified.
Verse 6
The man who hung upon the tree
In every sinner’s stead,
Him to receive we all agree,
And him we call our head.
Verse 7
To him let every member cleave,
And we shall never part,
We cannot each the other leave,
When God hath all our heart.
Verse 8
Then let us love our Lord alone,
’Till all his grace we prove,
And put his glorious image on,
Imparadis’d in love.