Verse 1
Ye tempted souls, that feel
The great and sore distress,
Waiting till Christ reveal
His joy, and love, and peace;
Lift up your heads, the signs appear,
Look up, and see your Saviour near!
Long have ye[1] heard and known
The wars that rage within,
And nature still fights on,
And grace opposes sin:
Lift up your heads, the signs appear,
Look up, and see your Saviour near!
Verse 3
Those strong convulsive throes,
That shake your inmost frame,
Those fears, and griefs, and woes,
His sure approach proclaim;
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 4
Who pine for heavenly food,
As at the point to die,
Your aching want of God,
Himself shall soon supply:
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 5
That plague of your own heart,
Which poisons all the race,
Shall suddenly depart,
Expell’d by sovereign grace:
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 6
Ye now afflicted are,
And hated for his name,
And in your bodies bear
The tokens of the Lamb:
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 7
Who stumble at the cross,
And vilely fall away,
Deserters of the cause,
Your brethren you betray:
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 8
Lo! The false prophets rise
To vilify the true,
The truth to scandalize,
And make a prey of you:
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 9
Iniquities increase,
And many are grown cold,
And forfeiting their peace
Have wandred from the fold:
Lift up your heads, &c.
Verse 10
Who patiently endure,
Till all these[2] trials end,
Are of salvation sure,
And shall to heaven ascend:
Lift up your heads, the signs appear,
Look up, and see your Saviour here.
[1] Wesley changed “ye” to “you” in 1755.
[2] Wesley changed “these” to “their” in 1756.