Yet now, My chosen servant, hear

Verse 1
Yet now, my chosen servant, hear,
The Lord hath to his Israel said,
Who form’d thee from the womb, is near,
To help, and save the souls he made.

Verse 2
Jacob, receive the word divine,
Bid all thy fears and doubts depart;
Jesurun [Jeshurun], I have call’d thee mine,
My servant, and my son thou art.

Verse 3
On every soul that thirsts for grace,
I will the living water shower,
I will on all thy gasping race
The fulness of my Spirit pour.

Verse 4
The grace shall on thy sons descend,
Thro’ all succeeding ages flow,
And all who on my truth depend,
Th’ indwelling Comforter shall know.

Verse 5
The holy seed shall soon spring up,
(Water’d each moment from above)
In tender awe, and blooming hope,
And flow’ry joy, and ripen’d love.

Verse 6
Fast by the streams of paradise,
With never-fading verdure fair,
The trees of righteousness shall rise,
And fruit unto perfection bear.

Verse 7
In different states the ransom’d race
Their still-increasing faith shall shew,
The babes shall rise from pard’ning grace,
And into youths, and fathers grow.

Verse 8
The least shall say, the Lord’s I am,
He bought with blood this soul of mine:
Another shall the blessing claim,
While wrestling with the man divine.

Verse 9
Prevalent now with God and man,
Sinners shall all my grace assert,
Jacob shall the new name obtain,
And Israel be, when pure in heart.

Verse 10
Thus saith the Lord of earth and heaven,
The King of Israel and his God,
Who hath for all a ransom given,
And bought a guilty world with blood.

Verse 11
I am from all eternity,
To all eternity I am:
There is none other God but me,
Jehovah is my glorious name.

Verse 12
The rise and end, the first and last,
The Alpha and Omega I;
Who could like me ordain the past,
Or who the things to come descry?

Verse 13
Where is the wise, fore-knowing man,
Who hath to me my model shew’d,
Prescrib’d the great, eternal plan,
Or boldly taught the omniscient God?

Verse 14
Stand forth the self-instructed seers,
(Who ransack time’s dark, burthen’d womb)
Foretell th’ events of distant years,
And shew mankind the things to come.

Verse 15
Foolish is all their strife, and vain
T’ invade the property divine;
’Tis mine the work undone t’ explain,
To call the future now is mine.

Verse 16
Fear not, my own peculiar race,
I have to thee my counsel shew’d,
The word of sure prophetic grace,
And told thee all the mind of God.

Verse 17
Ye are my witnesses, to you
My name and nature is made known,
Ye only can your seal set to,
That I am God, and God alone.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "The Forty-Fourth Chapter of Isaiah Part I." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 295.
Publishing: Public Domain