Verse 1
Yet still we glory in thy name,
O Christ, as though we knew thy grace,
Thee with unhallow’d lips we claim,
A lukewarm, worse than heathen race.
Verse 2
We say, that we with goods abound,
Are rich, and full, and need no more,
Nor know that we are wretched found
With thee, and bare, and blind, and poor.
Verse 3
O let us our own works forsake,
Ourselves, and all we have, deny,
Thy condescending counsel take,
And come to thee pure gold to buy.
Verse 4
Gold, that can bear the fiery test,
And make the buyer rich indeed;
Adorn us in the milk-white vest,
And over us thy mantle spread.
Verse 5
When this unspotted robe we wear,
Our sins are cover’d all by thee,
No longer doth our shame appear;
Salvation in thy light we see.
Verse 6
Touch’d by an unction from above,
Our eyes are open’d to perceive
The mystery of redeeming love,
The death by which alone we live.
Verse 7
Beholding as with open face
The glory of the Lord, we go
From strength to strength, from grace to grace,
And perfect holiness below.
Verse 8
O might we thro’ thy grace attain
The faith thou never wilt reprove,
The faith that purges every stain,
The faith that always works by LOVE.
Verse 9
O might we see in this our day
The things belonging to our peace,
And timely meet thee in thy way
Of judgments, and our sins confess:
Verse 10
Thy fatherly chastisements own,
With filial awe revere the rod,
And turn with zealous haste, and run
Into the out-stretch’d arms of God.
Verse 11
Behold thou standest at the door,
Thou knockest long at every heart,
Ready the sinner to restore,
And lift the fallen up thou art.
Verse 12
Thou callest all men to repent,
And all men may obey thy call,
They may—the stoniest may relent,
Thy death hath bought the grace for all.
Verse 13
What thou hast lent we all may use,
We all our talents may improve;
We need not, Lord, thy grace refuse,
Or stop our ears against thy love.
Verse 14
Thou hast obtain’d for us a power
Thy proffer’d mercy to embrace,
And all may know their gracious hour,
And all may close with SAVING GRACE.