Verse 1
Zeno and his followers still
With Epicurus join
Men that their own lusts fulfil
And live the life of swine:
God, they think, resembles them,
His Providential care deny,
Pleasure count their good supreme,
And wish like beasts to die.
Verse 2
Stoicks with the sons of ease
Can against Christ agree,
Christen’d sages, who confess
A blind fatality;
Swoln with pride, and self-regard,
On vice they scornfully look down:
“Virtue is its own reward,
“And wants no other crown.”
Verse 3
Both the clashing sects unite:
Yet still the gospel spread
Brings immortal life to light
With our reviving Head;
Vice and virtuous pride confounds,
Rejects our filthy righteousness,
Sends us lost to Jesus’ wounds,
And saves the world by grace.