Blest is the man, whose honest soul disdains
What desp’rate madness strikes the heathen? Say
How num’rous, Lord, how strong, how powerful they
All-clement God, that know’st my honest Mind
All-pow’rful Lord, thy suppliant servant hear
While lasts thy dread resentment! Lord, forbear
O Lord my God, whom my defence I’ve made
O dread Jehovah! glorious is thy name
O gracious God, why standest thou afar?
I on the Lord with confidence rely
O Lord, assist; for faith, for honour’s flown
How long wilt thou my troubled soul neglect
The impious atheist, in his folly proud
Who in thy glorious temple, Lord, shall dwell
Preserve me, Lord–on thy blest pow’r relies
Do thou, just God, a just man’s pray’r attend
O Sov’reign Lord, whom my support I prove
The spacious firmament, that hangs on high
When troubles him thee round, when foes distress
Sav’d by thy hand, triumphant in thy pow’r
Why does my God forsake me? will no more
The bounteous Lord my pastures shall prepare
The spacious earth, and what the earth contains
To thee alone, O sov’reign Lord, I cry
To thee, O sov’reign father, I appeal
My light, my great salvation is the Lord
O thou supreme, that rulest over all
Ye mighty potentates, enthron’d on high
In hymns of praise will I employ my tongue
In thee, O God, my constant trust I place
Thrice happy he, whose sins his God forgives
O all ye good, who heav’n-born justice love
Whilst life, great God, thou giv’st me to enjoy
My injur’d cause, my great protector, plead
Curst with deceitful joy his sottich heart
When impious men in worldly splendor live
Me, Lord, not in thy dreadful wrath, correct
While foes assail’d me round, I bravely said
When swelling foes, elated with their pride
Blest is the man, who’ll not the poor despise
As pants the hart to taste the limpid flood
My great avenger thou, O Lord, to thee
Thy glorious deeds, thy mercies, Lord, of old
A glorious theme my raptur’d heart inspires
Our refuge and our strength is heav’n’s high God
Clap your glad hands, ye people all, rejoice
Great is the Lord; most worthy he of praise
Howe’er dispers’d, ye various nations, hear
The mighty God, whom heav’ns and earth obey
O God of mercy, view my pleading tears
Why boast’st thou, tyrant, thy high crimes aloud?
Save me, my God; protect me from the foe
My earnest pray’r, O heav’nly father, hear
Lo! how restless foes my life pursue!
To thee, good God, I ev’ry blessing owe
Ye sages, plac’d on judgment’s awful seat
O sov’reign father, view my stubborn foes
Offended with our crimes, O holy God
All-clement God, attend my earnest cry
My soul rests only on her mighty God
My God, at early dawn to thee I’ll cry
My foes assault me with relentless hate
In Sion’s sacred fane the joyous lay
Ye scatter’d nations, sing in tuneful lays
Lord, on thy people let thy mercy shine
Rise, sov’reign Lord, in all thy terrors rise
Benign O hear me; save me, gracious God
To thee, in my distress, I prostrate fall
In thee, all-clement God, my hopes I place
Let me, good God, my righteous suit obtain
His mercies to the good will heav’n ensure
How long, O Lord, will thy dread anger hold?
To thee, O God, in songs of joy we’ll raise
To fancied gods while all the nations bend
To thee, O Lord, I made my humble pray’r
Ye sons of Israel, faithful tribes, attend
Thou sov’reign Lord, that fill’s the earth with dread
O thou (between the cherubims thy throne)
In loftiest strains address the mighty God
In vain perversely, princes, you surmise
No more be still, just God; no more delay
Tho’ oft, O Lord, we’ve felt thy heavy wrath
To thee, good God, in my distress I plead
Bove all our cities does bright Sion prove
O thou, on whose blest mercy I rely
The glorious subject of my tuneful song
Almighty Lord, e’er since the world began
What nobler subject can the soul employ
The mighty Lord, the great Jehovah reigns
Come forth, O thou, whose dread avenging arm
In loftiest strains our sov’reign Lord adore
Our sov’reign Lord has universal sway
The Lord Jehovah sing; in noblest lays
Reigns great Jehovah; let the people fear
Ye nations all, howe’er dispers’d abroad
Of mercy, Lord, of judgment, I will sing
My pleading cries, eternal father, hear
Be God of my harmonious song the theme
The noblest subject swells my lofty lay