Songs from Thomas Kelly

Genesis 24:31 (Reference)

Come in, thou blesséd of the Lord

Psalm 125:2 (Reference)

Zion Stands By Hills Surrounded

Psalm 125:2 (Reference)

Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Psalm 125:2 (Reference)

Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded

Song of Solomon 5:10 (Reference)

Gate of Heaven

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Isaiah 53:4 (Reference)

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Isaiah 63:1-5 (Expository)

Who is this that comes for Edom

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Amos 7:2 (Expository)

By whom shall Jacob now arise

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Zechariah 12:10 (Reference)

Zion’s King shall reign victorious

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Zechariah 13:1 (Reference)

See, from Zion’s sacred mountain

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Zechariah 13:1 (Reference)

Streams of Living Water Flow

Zechariah 14:8 (Expository)

See, from Zion’s sacred mountain

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Zechariah 14:8 (Expository)

Streams of Living Water Flow

Matthew 22:41-46 (Reference)

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Matthew 27:28-29 (Expository)

The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Matthew 27:27-31 (Reference)

Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Mark 8:38 (Reference)

Shall I to gain the world’s applause

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Mark 15:17-18 (Expository)

Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Mark 15:17-18 (Reference)

The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
John 19:2 (Reference)

The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
John 19:5 (Reference)

Behold the Man! How glorious he!

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
John 19:30 (Reference)

It Is Finished

Acts 4:11-12 (Reference)

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Romans 14:11 (Reference)

Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Philippians 3:8 (Reference)

We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Hebrews 11:13 (Reference)

Through the day Thy love has spared us

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Hebrews 11:14 (Reference)

From Egypt’s bondage come

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Hebrews 13:14 (Expository)

We’ve no abiding city here

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
James 4:14 (Reference)

What is life? ‘t is but a vapor

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
I John 4:8-10 (Allusion)

We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Revelation 14:13 (Expository)

Hark! a voice! it cries from heaven

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Revelation 19:16 (Reference)

Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

Songwriters: Thomas Kelly
Revelation 22:1-2 (Reference)

Streams of Living Water Flow
