Songs from Scripture in Song

Genesis 3:15 (Expository)

God Put Hostility

Exodus 15:11 (Quote)

Who Is Like Unto Thee

Numbers 6:24-26 (Quote)

The Blessing Song

Numbers 35:33 (Expository)

Do Not Pollute the Land

Deuteronomy 32:30 (Reference)

One of Us

Ruth 3:9 (Quote)

Cover Me

II Samuel 22:47 (Quote)

The Lord Liveth

I Kings 8:23 (Quote)

O Lord God Of Israel

I Chronicles 16:25 (Reference)

Praise The Lord

I Chronicles 16:31 (Quote)

Let The Heavens Be Glad

I Chronicles 29:10-11 (Quote)

Blessed Be Thou

I Chronicles 29:11 (Quote)

Thine O Lord

II Chronicles 6:14 (Quote)

O Lord God Of Israel

II Chronicles 7:14 (Expository)

If My People

Psalm 3:3-4 (Quote)

My Glory And The Lifter Of My Head

Songwriters: Mae McAlister
Psalm 18:34 (Expository)

The Battle Song

Psalm 18:46 (Quote)

The Lord Liveth

Psalm 19:1 (Reference)

All Heaven Declares

Psalm 19:14 (Quote)

Let The Words

Psalm 23 (Expository)

The Shepherd

Psalm 34:8 (Quote)

O Taste and See

Psalm 40:8 (Expository)

I Delight To Do Thy Will

Psalm 47:6-7 (Quote)

Sing Praises

Psalm 48:1 (Reference)

Praise The Lord

Psalm 55:17-18 (Quote)

Evening And Morning

Psalm 65:1 (Reference)

City of Praise

Psalm 68:1 (Reference)

Call to War

Psalm 68:17 (Reference)

Call to War

Psalm 68:28 (Reference)

Call to War

Psalm 84:1-3 (Expository)

How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places

Psalm 95 (Expository)

Rock of My Salvation

Psalm 95:1-3 (Expository)

Come Let Us Sing

Psalm 96:4 (Reference)

Praise The Lord

Psalm 98:1-3 (Quote)

O Sing Unto The Lord

Psalm 100:1-2 (Expository)

Sing a Joyful Song

Psalm 100:4 (Quote)

I Will Enter His Gates

Psalm 103:1 (Quote)

Bless the Lord

Psalm 104:1 (Quote)

I Will Sing Unto The Lord

Psalm 104:31-33 (Quote)

Let The Glory Of The Lord Endure

Psalm 104:33-35 (Quote)

I Will Sing Unto The Lord

Psalm 106:1 (Reference)

O Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm 107:1 (Reference)

O Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm 113:3 (Quote)

From The Rising Of The Sun

Psalm 115:14-16 (Quote)

The Family Blessing

Psalm 118:1 (Reference)

O Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm 118:29 (Reference)

O Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm 118:24 (Quote)

I Will Enter His Gates

Psalm 118:28-29 (Quote)

Thou Art My God

Psalm 133 (Expository)

How Wonderful

Psalm 134:1-2 (Quote)

Come Bless The Lord

Psalm 136:1 (Reference)

O Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm 139:7-12 (Expository)


Psalm 145:3 (Reference)

Praise The Lord

Psalm 146:10-11 (Quote)

All Thy Works

Psalm 147:5 (Expository)

Mighty in Power

Psalm 147:12 (Reference)

Mighty in Power

Psalm 148:1-3 (Quote)

Praise Ye The Lord

Psalm 148:13 (Quote)

For His Name Is Exalted

Isaiah 1:18 (Quote)

Perfect Peace/Love Joy Peace

Isaiah 6:3 (Quote)

Holy Is The Lord Of Hosts

Isaiah 9:6 (Reference)

His Name Is Higher

Isaiah 9:6-7 (Quote)

For Unto Us A Child Is Born

Isaiah 26:3 (Quote)

Perfect Peace/Love Joy Peace

Isaiah 40:4 (Reference)

Rise Up

Isaiah 40:3-4 (Quote)

Prepare Ye The Way

Isaiah 40:11 (Quote)

He Shall Feed His Flock

Isaiah 49:16 (Reference)

Don’t You Know

Isaiah 55:1 (Reference)

So Come

Isaiah 55:6-7 (Quote)

Seek The Lord

Isaiah 57:15 (Expository)

God Eternal Says

Isaiah 59:1-2 (Quote)

Behold The Lord’s Hand

Isaiah 61:1 (Expository)

The Spirit of the Lord

Isaiah 61:10 (Expository)

Robe of Righteousness

Isaiah 61:3 (Quote)

Beauty For Ashes

Isaiah 63:1-7 (Reference)

Praised Be Thou

Jeremiah 1:5 (Reference)

Don’t You Know

Jeremiah 15:16 (Reference)

We Are Called

Jeremiah 29:11 (Reference)

Don’t You Know

Jeremiah 29:13 (Quote)

And You Shall Seek Me

Jeremiah 31:13 (Quote)

Then Shall The Virgin Rejoice

Jeremiah 32:17 (Quote)

Ah Lord God

Hosea 6:1-3 (Reference)

Come Let Us Return

Habakkuk 3:17-18 (Quote)

Though The Fig Tree

Matthew 6:10 (Expository)

Let Your Kingdom Come

Matthew 11:28-30 (Quote)

Come Unto Me

Matthew 16:19 (Reference)

The Keys of the Kingdom

Matthew 17:20 (Reference)

Speaking to Mountains

Matthew 18:19 (Reference)

The Keys of the Kingdom

Matthew 21:21 (Reference)

Speaking to Mountains

Mark 11:23 (Reference)

Speaking to Mountains

Mark 16:17 (Expository)

If You Believe in Me

Luke 4:18 (Expository)

The Spirit of the Lord

Luke 10:19 (Expository)

I Have Given You
