Songs from TimSam Melodies

Genesis 1 (Reference)

Creation Song

Genesis 2 (Reference)

Creation Song

Exodus 7 (Reference)

Ten Plagues Song

Exodus 8 (Reference)

Ten Plagues Song

Exodus 9 (Reference)

Ten Plagues Song

Exodus 10 (Reference)

Ten Plagues Song

Exodus 11 (Reference)

Ten Plagues Song

I Chronicles 16:9-12 (Quote)

S for Sing unto Him

Psalm 1 (Quote)

Psalm 1

Psalm 8:4-6 (Quote)

W for what is man

Psalm 23 (Quote)

Y for Yea though I walk

Psalm 25:1-2 (Quote)

U for Unto thee O Lord

Psalm 34:8 (Quote)

O for O taste and see

Psalm 61 (Quote)

Psalm 61

Psalm 84 (Quote)

Psalm 84

Psalm 92 (Quote)

Psalm 92

Psalm 100 (Quote)

Psalm 100

Psalm 105:2-5 (Quote)

S for Sing unto Him

Psalm 121:1 (Quote)

I for I will lift up mine eyes

Psalm 125:4 (Quote)

D for Do good O LORD

Psalm 128 (Quote)

Psalm 128

Proverbs 3:5-6 (Quote)

T for Trust in the Lord

Proverbs 6:17 (Reference)

Proud Look

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Quote)

H for He hath made everything

Isaiah 43:19 (Quote)

R for Remember ye not

Isaiah 52:7 (Reference)

Proud Look

Zechariah 4:6 (Quote)

N for Not by might

Matthew 5:3-10 (Expository)


Mark 10:15 (Quote)

V for Verily I say

Luke 18:17 (Quote)

V for Verily I say

John 14:6 (Quote)

J for Jesus saith unto him

Romans 10:15 (Reference)

Proud Look

I Corinthians 1:9 (Quote)

G for God is Faithful

I Corinthians 3:16 (Quote)

K for Know ye not

I Corinthians 13 (Quote)

1 Corinthians 13

Ephesians 6:1 (Expository)

Children Obey Your Parents

Ephesians 6:23 (Quote)

P for Peace be to the brethren

I Thessalonians 5:19-23 (Quote)

Q for Quench not the Spirit

Hebrews 2:6-8 (Quote)

W for what is man
