Songs from Acts 26

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

Acts 26 (Reference)

I’m Saved

Songwriters: Ray Scarbrough
Artists: The Wilburns
Acts 26:14 (Reference)


Artists: Strahan
Acts 26:16-18 (Reference)

Telling the Old Story

Songwriters: Dan Keeton
Artists: The McKameys
Acts 26:18 (Reference)

Love of the Father

Artists: CityAlight
Acts 26:18 (Reference)


Acts 26:19-23 (Reference)

Israel’s Hope (Acts)

Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Caroline Cobb
Acts 26:28 (Reference)

Fully Persuaded

Songwriters: J. B. Atchinson
Acts 26:28 (Reference)

Almost Decided

Songwriters: Barney Warren
Acts 26:28 (Reference)

Almost Persuaded

Songwriters: Philip Bliss
Acts 26:28-29 (Reference)

I Just Thought You Ought to Know

Artists: The McKameys
Acts 26:28 (Allusion)

Almost But Lost

Songwriters: A. F. Grow