Songs from Isaiah 48

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

Isaiah 48:10 (Expository)

Furnace of Affliction

Isaiah 48:18 (Expository)

It Is Well With My Soul

Isaiah 48:18 (Expository)

Peace Like A River

Isaiah 48:22 (Expository)

The Wicked Will Find No Peace (Isaiah 48 V22)

Artists: Ishmael
Isaiah 48:5 (Reference)

The Isles of the Deep

Isaiah 48:8 (Reference)

Yes! Since God Himself Has Said It

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
Isaiah 48:10 (Reference)

Follow Close

Isaiah 48:12 (Reference)

Isaiah Song

Isaiah 48:13 (Reference)

Almighty God

Artists: Sandi Patty.
Isaiah 48:13 (Reference)

God the Lord a King

Songwriters: Henry Smart, John Keble
Isaiah 48:13 (Reference)

Sorrow Fades

Artists: Emu Music
Isaiah 48:13 (Reference)

Too Big to Fail

Artists: Petra
Isaiah 48:13 (Reference)

All Praise and Glory

Songwriters: Erik Dewar
Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)

Peace Like a River

Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)

Rest In You

Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)


Artists: Lex Buckley
Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)

When God Says No

Artists: John Waller
Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)

Amen, Listen To Our Prayer

Songwriters: Tom Janzen
Artists: Steve Bell
Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)

For You Are Good

Artists: Misha Goetz
Isaiah 48:18 (Reference)

Peace Like a River

Isaiah 48:21 (Reference)

A Face That Shone

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
Isaiah 48:21 (Reference)

A Rock in a Wilderness

Songwriters: Luke Brawner
Artists: Luke Brawner