Verse 1
Father, in whom we live,
In whom we are, and move,
The glory, power, and praise receive
Of thy creating love:
Let all the angel-throng
Give thanks to God on high,
While earth repeats the joyful song,
And echoes to the sky.
Verse 2
Incarnate deity,
Let all the ransom’d race
Render in thanks their lives to thee
For thy redeeming grace;
The grace to sinners shew’d,
Ye heavenly quires, proclaim,
And cry Salvation to our God,
Salvation to the Lamb.
Verse 3
Spirit of holiness,
Let all thy saints adore
Thy sacred energy, and bless
Thine heart-renewing power
Not[1] angel-tongues can tell
Thy love’s extatic height,
The glorious joy unspeakable,
The beatific sight.
Verse 4
Eternal Tri-une Lord,
Let all the hosts above,
Let all the sons of men record,
And dwell upon thy love;
When heaven and earth are fled
Before thy glorious face,
Sing all the saints thy love hath made,
Thine everlasting praise.
[1] Wesley changed “Not” to “Nor” in 1761.