Hearken to me, who seek the Lamb

Verse 1
Hearken to me, who seek the Lamb,
Who follow after righteousness;
Look to the Rock, from whence ye came,
The Father of the faithful race:

Verse 2
Behold, and in his footsteps tread:
I call’d him by my grace alone,
And bless’d, and multiplied his seed,
Believers in the promis’d Son.

Verse 3
Children of faithful Abraham these,
Who dare expect salvation here,
The Lord shall give them gospel peace,
And all his hopeless mourners chear:

Verse 4
Shall soon his fallen Sion raise,
Her waste, and des’late places build,
Pour out the Spirit of his grace,
And make her wilds a fruitful field.

Verse 5
The barren souls shall be restor’d,
The desart all-renew’d shall rise,
Bloom as the garden of the Lord,
A fair terrestrial paradise.

Verse 6
Gladness and joy shall there be found,
Thanksgiving, and the voice of praise,
The voice of melody shall sound,
And every heart be fill’d with grace.

Verse 7
Hearken to me, my chosen race,
My own peculiar people, hear,
Whoe’er the gospel-word embrace,
Look to be pure and perfect here.

Verse 8
A law shall soon from me proceed,
A living life-infusing word,
The truth that makes you free indeed,
Th’ eternal Spirit of your Lord.

Verse 9
My mercy will I cause to rest,
Where all may see their sins forgiven,
May rise no more by guilt opprest,
And bless the light that leads to heaven.

Verse 10
My righteousness shall soon appear;
Already is the grace gone forth,
The grace that brings salvation near,
And offers all my pard’ning worth.

Verse 11
Mine arms shall judge the world below,
The isles on me shall humbly wait,
And long, thro’ me restor’d, to know
The glories of their first estate.

Verse 12
Not on an arm of flesh, but mine,
Their steady confidence shall be,
Pardon, and peace, and power divine,
All, all they shall expect from me.

Verse 13
Lift up your eyes, the heavens survey,
And look upon the earth below,
The heavens like smoak shall pass away,
The earth its final period know.

Verse 14
Vanishes hence whate’er is seen,
The breath of life shall all expire,
The earth, and all that dwell therein
Shall perish in that fatal fire.

Verse 15
My righteousness shall stand alone,
My saving grace shall never move,
The basis cannot be o’erthrown,
The truth of my eternal love.

Verse 16
Hearken to me, ye souls who know
The righteousness which faith imparts,
And lovingly obedient shew
The law engraven on your hearts.

Verse 17
Fear not the taunts of short-liv’d man,
His feeble calumnies despise,
Impotent all his rage, and vain,
The threatner, while he threatens, dies.

Verse 18
Perishing as the garb they wear,
Your enemies shall fade away,
Their breath shall vanish into air,
The worm shall on their carcass prey.

Verse 19
God only is unchangeable,
My righteousness remaineth sure,
My great salvation cannot fail,
But shall from age to age endure.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "The Fifty-First Chap. of Isaiah Part I." Introduced in Hymns and Sacred Poems Vol. 1, published by Charles Wesley (Bristol: Felix Farley, 1749). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 4 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1869), page 300.
Publishing: Public Domain