Verse 1
Jesus, with human eyes
Regard my misery;
My Isaac on the altar lies,
And gasps for life to Thee!
Who didst our nature share,
And put our frailties on,
For pity sake the victim spare,
And give me back my Son.
Verse 2
By faith I know Thee near
As when in flesh array’d,
Thou didst the Man of grief appear,
And offer All thine aid:
Where’er distress is found,
A present help Thou art,
And still thy yearning bowels sound
And bleeds thy loving heart.
Verse 3
Now then, if now I pray
According to thy will,
Thy power medicinal display,
Thy balmy name reveal,
The dire disease rebuke,
Conclude the painful strife,
And by one sovereign word, or look
Restore my child to life.
Verse 4
So shall I sing thy praise,
So shall my Isaac sing
The God of Abraham’s faithful race
Our Father and our King:
So shall his harp resound
His dear Redeemer’s fame,
And spread to earth’s remotest bound
The Music of thy Name!