Verse 1
Melt happy soul, in Jesu’s blood,
Sink down into the wounds of God,
And there forever dwell:
I now have found my rest again,
The spring of life, the balm of pain (John 4:14)
In Jesu’s wounds I feel. (Isa. 53:5)
Verse 2
Thirsty so long, and weak and faint,
I here enjoy whate’er I want,
The sweet refreshing tide
Brings life and peace to dying souls;
And still the gushing comfort rolls
From Jesu’s wounded side. (John 19:34)
Verse 3
Swift as the panting hart I fly,
I find the fountain always nigh, (Zech. 13:1)
And heavenly sweetness prove,
Pardon, and power, and joy, and peace,
And pure delight, and perfect bliss,
And everlasting love. (Jer. 31:3)
Verse 4
The world can no refreshment give:
Shall I its deadly draughts receive,
Scoup’d from the hellish lake?
Nay, but I turn to the pure flood
Which issues from the throne of God, (Rev. 22:1)
And living water take. (John 4:10-11, John 7:37-38)
Verse 5
Soon as I taste the liquid life,
Sorrow expires, and pain, and strife,
And suffering is no more:
My inmost soul refresh’d I feel,
And fill’d with joy unspeakable (I Pet. 1:8)
The bleeding Lamb adore.
Verse 6
I now the broken cisterns leave; (Jer. 2:13)
My all of good from God receive,
And drink the crystal stream:
The crystal stream doth freely flow (John 7:38)
Thro’ hearts which only Jesus know, (I Cor. 2:2)
And ever pant for him.
Verse 7
Jesus alone can I require,
No mixture of impure desire (Rom. 7:8, Col. 3:5))
Shall in my bosom move:
I fix on him my single eye,
His love shall all my wants supply,
His all-sufficient love.
Verse 8
How vast the happiness I feel,
When Jesus doth himself reveal,
And his pure love impart,
Holy delight, and heavenly hope,
And everlasting joy springs[1] up (Isa. 35:10, Isa. 51:11, Isa. 61:7)
And overflows my heart.
Verse 9
He pours his Spirit into my soul, (Joel 2:28-29, Isa. 32:15, Isa. 44:3, Ezekiel 39:29, Acts 2:17-18, Acts 2:33, Acts 10:45, Rom. 5:5)
The thirsty land becomes a pool, (Isa. 44:3)
I taste the unknown peace
Such as the world will not believe; (John 14:27, John 16:33)
No carnal heart can e’er conceive
Th’ unutterable bliss.
Verse 10
Light in thy only light I see,
Thee, and myself I know thro’ thee,
Myself a sinful clod,
A worthless worm without a name,
A burning brand pluck’d from the flame, (Zech. 3:2)
And quench’d in Jesu’s blood.
Verse 11
The light of thy redeeming love,
Like sun-beams darted from above
Doth all my sins display,
Countless as dancing motes, and small;
But O! the love that shews them all,
Shall chase them all away.
Verse 12
The Sun[2] of righteousness shall rise, (Mal. 3:2)
Thy glory streaming from the skies
Shall in my soul appear;
I know the cloudless day shall shine,
And then my soul is all-divine,
And I am perfect here.
[1] Wesley changed “springs” to “spring” in 1761.
[2] Wesley changed “Sun” to “Son” in 1761.