Rise, my soul, with ardour rise

Verse 1
Rise my soul with ardor rise,
Breathe thy wishes to the skies;
Freely pour out all thy mind,
Seek, and thou art sure to find; (Matt. 7:7-8, Jer. 29:13, Luke 11:9-10)
Ready art thou to receive?
Readier is thy God to give.

Verse 2
Heavenly Father, Lord[1] of all,
Hear, and shew thou hear’st my call;
Let my cries thy throne assail
Entering now within the veil: (Heb. 10:19-20)
Give the benefits I claim—
Lord, I ask in Jesu’s name! (John 14:13-14, John 16:23)

Verse 3
Friend of sinners, King of saints, (Matt. 11:19, Luke 7:34)
Answer my minutest wants,
All my largest thoughts require,
Grant me all my heart’s desire, (Psalm 37:4)
Give me, till my cup run o’er, (Psalm 23:5)
All, and infinitely more. (Eph. 3:20)

Verse 4
Meek and lowly be my mind, (Matt. 11:29)
Pure my heart, my will resign’d!
Keep me dead to all below,
Only Christ resolv’d to know, (I Cor. 2:2, Phil. 3:8-10)
Firm and disengag’d and free,
Seeking all my bliss in thee.

Verse 5
Suffer me no more to grieve
Wanting what thou long’st to give,
Shew me all thy goodness, Lord,
Beaming from th’ incarnate Word, (John 1:14)
Christ, in whom thy glories shine,
Efflux of the light divine. (Heb. 1:3)

Verse 6
Since the Son hath made me free, (John 8:36, Gal. 5:1)
Let me taste my liberty,
Thee behold with open face, (II Cor. 3:18)
Triumph in thy saving grace,
Thy great will delight to prove,
Glory in thy perfect love. (I John 4:18)

Verse 7
Since the Son hath bought my peace, (Col. 1:20)
Mine thou art, as I am his:[2] (Song of Solomon 2:16, Song of Solomon 6:3)
Mine the Comforter I see, (John 14:26)
Christ is full of grace for me: (John 1:14)
Mine (the purchase of his blood) (Acts 20:28)
All the plenitude of God.

Verse 8
Abba, Father! Hear thy child (Rom. 8:15, Gal. 4:6)
Late in Jesus reconcil’d! (Rom. 5:10, II Cor. 5:18, Col. 1:21)
Hear, and all the graces shower,
All the joy, and peace, and pow’r,
All my Saviour asks above,
All the life and heaven of love.[3]

Verse 9
Lord, I will not let thee go,
Till THE BLESSING thou bestow: (Gen. 32:26)
Hear my advocate divine; (I John 2:1)
Lo! To his my suit I join:
Join’d to his it cannot fail—
Bless me, for I will prevail!

Verse 10
Stoop from thy eternal throne,
See, thy promise calls thee down!
High and lofty as thou art, (Isa. 57:15)
Dwell within my worthless heart!
Here[4] a fainting soul revive;
Here for ever walk and live.

Verse 11
Heavenly Adam, life divine, (I Cor. 15:45)
Change my nature into thine:
Move and spread throughout my soul,
Actuate and fill the whole:
Be it I no longer now,
Living in the flesh, but thou. (Gal. 2:20)

Verse 12
Holy Ghost, no more delay,
Come, and in thy temple stay; (I Cor. 3:16)
Now thy inward witness bear (Rom. 8:16)
Strong and permanent, and clear;
Spring of life, thyself impart,
Rise eternal in my heart!

[1] Wesley changed “Lord” to “God” in 1739, but reverted to “Lord” in following editions.
[2] Wesley changed this line to “Mine I see, whate’er is his” in 1743.
[3] Wesley changed this line to “All the life of heaven, of love” in 1743.
[4] Wesley changed “Hear” (a misprint) in the first edition to “Here” in 1739. “Hear” reappeared in the third edition (also 1739). He changed the line to “My poor fainting soul revive” in 1743.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "John xvi. 24." This is the original version of this hymn, as first published in "Hymns and Sacred Poems (1739)," published by John and Charles Wesley (London: William Strahan, 1739). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 1 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868), page 192.
Publishing: Public Domain