Verse 1
Servant of God, well done!
Thy glorious warfare’s past,
The battle’s fought, the race is won,
And thou art crown’d at last;
Of all thy heart’s desire
Triumphantly possest,
Lodg’d by the ministerial quire
In thy Redeemer’s breast.
Verse 2
In condescending love
Thy ceaseless prayer he heard,
And bad thee suddenly remove,
To thy complete reward:
Ready to bring the peace,
Thy beauteous feet were shod,
When mercy sign’d thy soul’s release
And caught thee up to God.
Verse 3
With saints inthron’d on high
Thou dost thy Lord proclaim,
And still “To God salvation” cry,
“Salvation to the Lamb!”
O happy, happy soul!
In extacies of praise,
Long as eternal ages roll,
Thou seest thy Saviour’s face.
Verse 4
Redeem’d from earth and pain,
Ah! When shall we ascend,
And all in Jesu’s presence reign
With our translated friend!
Come, Lord, and quickly come!
And when in thee complete,
Receive thy longing servants home,
To triumph—at thy feet!