Verse 1
Sons of men, behold from[1] far,
Hail the long-expected star!
Jacob’s star that gilds the night,
Guides bewilder’d nature right.
Verse 2
Fear not hence that ill should flow,
Wars or pestilence below,
Wars it bids and tumults cease,
Ushering in the Prince of Peace.
Verse 3
Mild he shines on all beneath,
Piercing thro’ the shade of death,
Scatt’ring error’s wide-spread night,
Kindling darkness into light.
Verse 4
Nations all, far off and near,
Haste to see your God appear!
Haste, for him your hearts prepare,
Meet him manifested there!
Verse 5
There behold the Day-Spring rise,
Pouring eye-sight on your eyes,
God in his own light survey,
Shining to the perfect day.
Verse 6
Sing, ye morning stars again,
God descends on earth to reign,
Deigns for man his life t’ employ;
Shout, ye sons of God, for joy!
[1] Wesley changed “from” to “him” in 1747.