The earth, with all her fulness, owns

Verse 1
The earth and all her fulness owns
Jehovah for her Sovereign Lord;
The countless myriads of her sons
Rose into being at his word.

Verse 2
His word did out of nothing call
The world, and founded all that is,
Launch’d on the floods this solid ball,
And fix’d it in the floating seas.

Verse 3
But who shall quit this low abode,
Who shall ascend the heavenly place,
And stand upon the mount of God,
And see his Maker face to face?

Verse 4
The man whose hands and heart are clean,
That blessed portion shall receive,
Who here by grace is sav’d from sin,
Hereafter shall in glory live.

Verse 5
He shall obtain the starry crown,
And numbred with the saints above,
The God of his salvation own,
The God of his salvation love.

Verse 6
This is the chosen royal race
That seek their Saviour-God to see,
To see in holiness thy face,
O Jesus, and be join’d to thee.

Verse 7
Thou the true wrestling Jacob art,
Whose prayers and tears, and blood inclin’d
Thy Father’s majesty t’ impart
His name, his love to all mankind.

Verse 8
Our Lord is risen from the dead,
Our Jesus is gone up on high,
The powers of hell are captive led,
Drag’d to the portals of the sky.

Verse 9
There his triumphal chariot waits,
And angels chaunt the solemn lay,
Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates,
Ye everlasting doors give way.

Verse 10
Loose all your bars of massy light,
And wide unfold th’ etherial scene;
He claims these mansions as his right,
Receive the King of Glory in.

Verse 11
Who is this King of Glory, who?
The Lord that all his foes o’ercame,
The world, sin, death, and hell o’erthrew:
And Jesus is the Conqueror’s name.

Verse 12
Lo! His triumphal chariot waits,
And angels chaunt the solemn lay,
Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates,
Ye everlasting doors give way.

Verse 13
Who is this King of Glory, who?
The Lord of glorious power possest,
The King of saints and angels too,
God over all, forever blest.

Hymnal/Album: Originally titled: "Psalm XXIV." Introduced in John and Charles Wesley. Collection of Psalms and Hymns, 2nd edition, enlarged (London: Strahan, 1743). Published in The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, Vol. 8 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1870), page 47.
Publishing: Public Domain