Verse 1
To whom in peril and distress
While growing ills our land oppress,
Shoud we for refuge fly?
Jesus, from age to age the same,
We find, confiding in thy Name,
The Strength of Israel nigh.
Verse 2
Of wars and rumour’d wars we hear,
But thy command forbids our fear,
And unbelieving haste,
In Thee our quiet souls we hide
And safe beneath thy wings abide,
Till every storm is past.
Verse 3
Our only care thy grace to gain
And stedfast in the faith remain
Which sweetly works by love
To prove thine acceptable Will
And all thy dear commands fulfil
As angels do above.
Verse 4
Us, whom thy mind and Spirit arm
Nor sword nor pestilence can harm
Nor earth nor hell annoy,
The plagues that on the wicked seize
Can never interrupt our peace,
Or rob us of our joy.
Verse 5
We thus to meet our God prepare
By constant watchfulness and prayer,
By toils of love renew’d,
Assured that all events shall join
Accomplishing thy blest design
In our eternal good.
Verse 6
O Son of Man, O God most high
We on thy faithful word rely
For persevering grace,
Till fully saved and counted meet,
We stand, in holiness compleat
Before thy glorious Face.
[Wesley included these in the margin, and ultimately used the full stanza in another hymn:
The self-exalting Worms abase
The Men who love the highest place
In their own Merits trust
On all their vain Devices frown
Their Luciferian Pride cast down
And down into the Dust.
Into the Dust but not to Hell]