Songs from Isaac Watts

Psalm 30 (Expository)

I Will Extol Thee Lord On High

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 30:6-12 (Expository)

Firm Was My Health

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 31:1-7 (Expository)

To thee, O God of truth and love

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 31:18-21 (Reference)

My Heart Rejoices In Thy Name

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 32 (Expository)

Blest is the man, for ever blest

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 32 (Expository)

Happy the man to whom his God

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 32 (Expository)

How blest the man to whom his God

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 32 (Expository)

O Blessed Souls Are They

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 32 (Expository)

While I Keep Silence

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 33 (Expository)

Blest Is The Nation Where The Lord

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 33 (Expository)

O Happy Nation Where The Lord Reveals

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 33 (Expository)

Ye Holy Souls In God Rejoice

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 34 (Expository)

Lord I Will Bless Thee All My Days

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 34:1-10 (Expository)

I’ll Bless The Lord From Day To Day

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 34:11-22 (Expository)

Children In Years And Knowledge Young

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 34:11-22 (Expository)

Come Children Learn To Fear The Lord

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 35:1-9 (Expository)

Now Plead My Cause Almighty God

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 36 (Expository)

While Men Grow Bold In Wicked Ways

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 36:1-7 (Expository)

When Man Grows Bold In Sin

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 36:5-9 (Expository)

High in the Heavens, Eternal God

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 37 (Expository)

The meek possess the earth’s increase

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 37:1-15 (Expository)

Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 37:23-37 (Expository)

My God The Steps Of Pious Men

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 37:26-31 (Expository)

Why Do The Wealthy Wicked Boast

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 38 (Expository)

Amidst Thy Wrath Remember Love

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 39:4 (Expository)

Thee We Adore, Eternal Name

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 39:4-7 (Expository)

Teach Me The Measure Of My Days

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 39:1-3 (Reference)

Thus I Resolved Before The Lord

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 40:5-10 (Expository)

The Wonders Lord Thy Love Has Wrought

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 40:6-9 (Expository)

Thus Saith The Lord Your Work Is Vain

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 41:1-3 (Expository)

Blest Is The Man Whose Bowels Move

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 41:1-3 (Expository)

Blest is the man whose heart is kind

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 42:1-5 (Expository)

With Earnest Longings Of The Mind

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 42:6-11 (Expository)

My Spirit Sinks Within Me Lord

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 45 (Expository)

I’ll Speak The Honors Of My King

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 45 (Expository)

My Savior And My King Thy Beauties Are

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 45 (Expository)

Now Be My Heart Inspired To Sing

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 45:8-17 (Expository)

The King Of Saints How Fair His Face

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 46:1-6 (Expository)

God Is The Refuge Of His Saints

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 46:4 (Expository)

There is a Stream

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 46:7-11 (Expository)

Let Zion In Her King Rejoice

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 48:1-8 (Expository)

Great Is The Lord Our God And Let His

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 48:10-14 (Expository)

Far As Thy Name Is Known

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 49:6-14 (Expository)

Why Doth The Man Of Riches Grow

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 49:12-24 (Reference)

Why Do The Proud Insult The Poor

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 49:14-15 (Reference)

Ye Sons Of Pride That Hate The Just

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 50 (Expository)

The God Of Glory Sends His Summons Forth

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 50:1-6 (Expository)

The Lord The Judge Before His Throne

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 50:8-23 (Expository)

Thus Saith The Lord The Spacious Fields

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 50:16-22 (Expository)

The Lord The Judge His Churches Warns

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 51 (Expository)

Great God, create my heart anew

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 51 (Expository)

Lord, We Are Vile

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 51 (Expository)

Pleading for Pardon

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 51:14-17 (Expository)

O God Of Mercy Hear My Call

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 51 (Reference)

O Thou That Hearest When Sinners Cry

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 51 (Reference)

Pity, dread Sovereign! and forgive

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 52 (Expository)

The Righteous and the Wicked

Songwriters: Isaac Watts, Joel Barlow
Psalm 53:4-6 (Expository)

Are All The Foes Of Zion Fools

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 55 (Expository)

O God My Refuge Hear My Cries

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 55:15-17 (Expository)

Let Sinners Take Their Course

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 56 (Expository)

O Thou Whose Justice Reigns On High

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 56 (Expository)

When I ask God to hear my cry

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 57 (Expository)

My God In Whom Are All The Springs

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 57:5-11 (Expository)

Be thou exalted, O my God

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 59 (Expository)

From foes, that round us rise

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 61 (Expository)

O thou that Hear’st when Sinners Cry

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 61 (Expository)

The Lord Jesus a Sure Salvation

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 61:1-6 (Expository)

When Overwhelmed With Grief My Heart Within Me Dies

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 62:5-8 (Expository)

My Spirit Looks To God Alone

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 63:1-5 (Expository)

Early My God Without Delay

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 63:6-10 (Expository)

Twas In The Watches Of The Night

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65 (Expository)

At God’s command, the morning ray

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65 (Expository)

Praise Waits In Zion Lord For Thee

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65 (Expository)

You speak, and mighty mountains stand

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65:1-5 (Expository)

The Praise Of Zion Waits For Thee

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65:5-13 (Expository)

The God Of Our Salvation Hears

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65:6-8 (Expository)

Tis By Thy Strength The Mountains Stand

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 65:9-13 (Expository)

Good Is The Lord The Heavenly King

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 66 (Expository)

Sing All Ye Nations To The Lord

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 66:13-20 (Expository)

Now Shall My Solemn Vows Be Paid

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 67:4-7 (Expository)

From shore to shore let God’s great name

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 68:17-18 (Expository)

Lord When Thou Didst Ascend On High

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 68:32-35 (Reference)

Kingdoms and Thrones to God Belong

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 69 (Expository)

Now Let Our Lips With Holy Fear

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 69:1-14 (Expository)

Save Me O God The Swelling Floods

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 69:7-24 (Expository)

Twas For Our Sake Eternal God

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 71:5-9 (Expository)

My God My Everlasting Hope

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 71:17-21 (Expository)

God Of My Childhood And My Youth

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 72:8 (Reference)

Jesus Shall Reign

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 73:3-24 (Expository)

Now I’m Convinced The Lord Is Kind

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 73:17-20 (Expository)

Great King of glory and of grace

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 73:23-28 (Expository)

God My Supporter And My Hope

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 73:23-28 (Expository)

Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 73:25 (Expository)

My God My Portion And My Love

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 76 (Expository)

In Judah God Of Old Was Known

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 76 (Expository)

In Judah God of Old Was Known

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Psalm 77:1-11 (Expository)

To God I Cried With Mournful Voice

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 77:12-20 (Expository)

How Awful Is Thy Chastening Rod

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 78:4-7 (Expository)

Let Children Hear The Mighty Deeds

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts
Psalm 78:8-21 (Expository)

O What A Stiff Rebellious House

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
Artists: Isaac Watts