Songs from John Needham

Genesis 1 (Expository)

Look up, ye saints, direct your eyes

Songwriters: John Needham
Daniel 9:25 (Reference)

Glory to God, who reigns above

Songwriters: John Needham
Mark 8:38 (Reference)

Self-denial: or taking up the Cross

Songwriters: John Needham
Luke 9:26 (Expository)

Self-denial: or taking up the Cross

Songwriters: John Needham
Luke 15:3-4 (Expository)

When some kind shepherd from his fold

Songwriters: John Needham
John 4:24 (Expository)

Thou art, O God! a spirit pure

Songwriters: John Needham
II Corinthians 12:9 (Expository)

Kind Are The Words that Jesus Speaks

Songwriters: John Needham
Revelation 20:12 (Expository)

Methinks the last great day is come

Songwriters: John Needham