Songs from Barry and Batya Segal

Leviticus 25:9-17 (Expository)

Let It Grow

Deuteronomy 6:5-6 (Expository)

Thou Shalt Love

Psalm 28:9 (Expository)

Save Your People

Psalm 102:12 (Expository)

You Will Arise

Psalm 122:6-9 (Expository)

Pray for Jerusalem

Psalm 128 (Expository)

Blessed Is Everyone

Proverbs 18:2 (Reference)

Praise His Name

Isaiah 49:16 (Reference)

Awake O Israel

Isaiah 62:6-7 (Expository)

On Your Walls O Jerusalem

Isaiah 62:10 (Expository)

Go Through the Gates

Joel 1:1 (Reference)

Latter Rain

Joel 1:7 (Reference)

Latter Rain

Joel 1:14 (Reference)

Latter Rain

Joel 2:23-25 (Expository)

Latter Rain

Joel 3:15-18 (Reference)

Latter Rain

Micah 4:1-2 (Expository)

In the Latter Days

Hebrews 4:1-11 (Reference)

We Delight in Your Shabbat

Hebrews 12:22-28 (Expository)

Come Let Us Go up to Zion
