Surely God is in This Place (Jacob’s Generational Blessing)
We Will Serve the Lord
Blessed (Psalm 1)
The Pieces and the Purpose
How Majestic is Your Name (Psalm 8)
I Will Praise You, Lord (Psalm 9)
Psalm 18
My Shepherd’s Pastorale (Psalm 23)
Psalm 25
The Lord is My Light (Psalm 27)
Delight Yourself in the Lord
Joy Comes in the Morning
Confession Song (Psalms 32, 51, and 103)
Psalm 34
Psalm 40
Psalm 42
We Will Not Fear (Psalm 46)
A Pure Heart (Psalm 51)
For the Wings of a Dove (Psalm 55)
The Rock That is Higher (Psalm 61)
In God Alone (Psalm 62)
It is Good to Praise the Lord (Psalm 92)
Come, Let Us Sing for Joy (Psalm 95)
Alleluia, Praise, My Soul (Psalm 103)
Then We Cried For Help (Psalm 107)
Psalm 116
Psalm 117
The Voice of Jesus (Psalm 118)
He Watches Over You
You Are Near
No One Knows Me Like You Do
Psalm 139
Psalm 150
Holy is the Lord (Isaiah’s heavenly vision)
Comfort, My People
Isaiah 12
A Chosen People
Those Who Wait on the Lord
You Renew Our Strength
The God of My Life
I Could Never Forget You
Our Mighty God Reigns
Isaiah 54:5
Hope, Sight, and Freedom
I Will Rejoice in Doing Good
Bearer of Christ
Blessed (The Beatitudes)
Walk in the Light
Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive
Consider the Birds
Come Unto Me
Meeting Jesus
Two Songs of Praise
Your Child (I am the Way)
God So Loved the World
Resurrection and Life
Jesus’ Comfort
Abide in Me
King of Glory
What the Lord Has Done