Songs from The Bishops

Genesis 8:6-12 (Reference)

Open Up the Window Noah

Songwriters: P. Rosenthal
Artists: The Bishops
Psalm 32:7 (Reference)

He’s My Hiding Place

Songwriters: Dee Gaskin
Artists: The Bishops
Psalm 119:114 (Reference)

He’s My Hiding Place

Songwriters: Dee Gaskin
Artists: The Bishops
Isaiah 34:4 (Reference)

Oh God (I Love You)

Artists: The Bishops
Isaiah 40:31 (Reference)

Run And Not Be Weary

Songwriters: Kenny Bishop
Artists: The Bishops
Matthew 16:26 (Reference)

Nothing Here Below

Artists: The Bishops
Mark 10:46-52 (Reference)

Blind Bartimaeus

Artists: The Bishops
John 3:16 (Reference)

For God So Loved The World

Artists: The Bishops
John 11:1-46 (Reference)

I’ll Live Again

Songwriters: Tammy Robinette
Artists: The Bishops
John 11:1-46 (Reference)

Lazarus Come Forth

Artists: The Bishops
John 14:6 (Reference)

One Way

Artists: The Bishops
John 19:30 (Reference)

He Said it All

Songwriters: Mark Bishop
Artists: The Bishops
John 19:30 (Reference)

It Is Finished

Artists: The Bishops
I Corinthians 1:27 (Reference)

Run and Not Be Weary

Songwriters: Kenny Bishop
Artists: The Bishops
II Timothy 3:4 (Reference)

Battle-Scarred Soldier

Artists: The Bishops
Hebrews 13:2 (Reference)

Entertaining Angels

Songwriters: Danny Kramer, Dee Kramer
Artists: The Bishops
Revelation 2:20-23 (Reference)


Artists: The Bishops
Revelation 6:17 (Reference)

Oh God (I Love You)

Artists: The Bishops
Revelation 21:2 (Reference)

New Jerusalem

Songwriters: Lois Arvin
Artists: The Bishops
Revelation 21:4 (Reference)

No More Pain

Songwriters: David Turner
Artists: The Bishops