Songs from Habakkuk
If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.
Habakkuk 2:20 (Expository)
Habakkuk 2:20 (Expository)
The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
Songwriters: Ben Shive, Kristyn Getty
Artists: Keith & Kristyn Getty
Habakkuk 2:14 (Reference)
Songwriters: John Michael Talbot, Phillip Perkins
Artists: John Michael Talbot
Habakkuk 2:20 (Reference)
The Lord Is In His Holy Temple
Songwriters: Walt Harrah
Artists: The Maranatha Singers
Habakkuk 3 (Expository)
Habakkuk 3 (Remember Your Mercy)
Songwriters: Jonathan Burgess
Artists: New Hope Oahu
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (Expository)
Trust and confidnece; or, looking beyond present appearances
Songwriters: Charles Wesley
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (Expository)
What though no flow’rs the fig-tree clothe
Songwriters: Anonymous, John Logan
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (Expository)
Habakkuk’s Prayer (Still I Will Rejoice)
Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Cardiphonia Music, Caroline Cobb
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (Reference)
Jesus Is Lord of the Way I Feel
Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco