Songs from I Samuel

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

I Samuel 1 (Expository)

The Voice Was Heard

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 1:1-11 (Expository)

Pouring Out (1 Samuel)

Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Caroline Cobb
I Samuel 1:1-20 (Expository)

The Throne of Grace

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
I Samuel 1 (Reference)

Hannah Prayed

I Samuel 2 (Expository)

He Is Your Life

Songwriters: Andrew Case
Artists: Andrew Case
I Samuel 2 (Expository)

Song of Hannah

Artists: Ted Pearce
I Samuel 2 (Expository)

The Voice Was Heard

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 2:1-10 (Expository)

None Besides You (Hannah’s Prayer)

Artists: Asaph Tunes
I Samuel 2:1-10 (Expository)

Pass the Promise

I Samuel 2:1-10 (Expository)

The joyful Song of Hannah

I Samuel 2:2 (Expository)

Holy (1 Samuel 2:2)

I Samuel 2:2 (Expository)

No One Is Holy Like Our God (1 Samuel 2:2)

Artists: Tommy Walker
I Samuel 2:2 (Expository)

There is No Rock (Rock of Ages)

Songwriters: Rita Baloche
I Samuel 2 (Reference)

Jesus Is Our Song

Artists: Emu Music
I Samuel 2:1 (Reference)

My God

I Samuel 2:2 (Reference)

God is My Rock

Artists: GLAD
I Samuel 2:2 (Reference)

None Like You

Artists: Aaron Shust
I Samuel 2:2 (Reference)

You Deserve the Glory

Songwriters: Aaron Keyes
Artists: Aaron Keyes
I Samuel 2:2 (Reference)

1 Samuel 2:2 God of Heaven

I Samuel 2:2 (Reference)

Everything in the Temple

Artists: Karl Gessler
I Samuel 2:2 (Reference)

Glorious Throne

Artists: Alisha Powell
I Samuel 2:6 (Reference)

Who Is Like Him?

Songwriters: Andrew Case
Artists: Andrew Case
I Samuel 2:2 (Quote)

Holy (1 Samuel 2:2)

I Samuel 3 (Expository)

Speak Lord I’m Listening

Songwriters: Robert Evans
Artists: The Donut Man
I Samuel 3 (Expository)

The Voice Was Heard

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 3 (Expository)

I’m Listening

I Samuel 3 (Expository)

Samuel’s Call

I Samuel 3:4 (Expository)

Here am I

Songwriters: T. C. Smith
I Samuel 3:4 (Expository)

Little Samuel

Songwriters: William Doane
I Samuel 3:9 (Expository)

Hushed was the evening hymn

I Samuel 3:9-10 (Expository)

Here Am I

Songwriters: T. Martin Towne
Artists: E.O. Excell
I Samuel 3:1-9 (Reference)

Funeral Song

Artists: JG Hymns
I Samuel 3:9-10 (Reference)

Speak to Me

Songwriters: Stephen Miller
I Samuel 3:9-10 (Reference)

Speak To Me

Artists: Tommy Walker
I Samuel 3:9-10 (Reference)

Speak, Lord

I Samuel 3:10 (Reference)

Master, Speak!

I Samuel 3:18 (Reference)

It is the Lord—enthroned in light

Songwriters: T. Green
I Samuel 3:9 (Quote)

1 Samuel 3:9

I Samuel 4 (Expository)

Fight, Mr. Philistine!

Songwriters: Jamie Soles
Artists: Jamie Soles
I Samuel 4 (Expository)

Ichabod (The Glory Is Gone)

I Samuel 4:6 (Expository)

Rats! (The Philistines’ Lament)

Songwriters: Jamie Soles
Artists: Jamie Soles
I Samuel 4:9 (Reference)

Quit You Like Men

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
I Samuel 4:9 (Reference)

Be Strong

I Samuel 4:21-22 (Reference)


I Samuel 4:6 (Allusion)

A Shout in the Camp

I Samuel 5:3-5 (Expository)

Dagon Before The Ark

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
I Samuel 5:1-5 (Reference)

Fall Of Dagon

Artists: Leeland
I Samuel 6 (Expository)

Faith’s Surrender Of All

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
I Samuel 6 (Expository)

Stone of Beth-Shemesh

Songwriters: Jamie Soles
Artists: Jamie Soles
I Samuel 7:1-14 (Expository)


Songwriters: Jamie Soles
Artists: Jamie Soles
I Samuel 7:12 (Reference)

The Lord hath Helped Me Hitherto

I Samuel 7:12 (Reference)

The Work (It Ain’t Easy)

Artists: Elias Dummer
I Samuel 7:12 (Reference)

Another week is past and gone

I Samuel 7:12 (Reference)

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Songwriters: Robert Robinson
I Samuel 7:12 (Reference)


Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
I Samuel 7:12 (Reference)

His Way is Best

I Samuel 8 (Expository)

The Voice Was Heard

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 8:5 (Reference)

The Kings of the Bible Song

Artists: Adam Zarn
I Samuel 8:9 (Reference)

Raise Up a King

I Samuel 9 (Reference)

This Side of a Miracle

I Samuel 10 (Reference)

Sticks and Stones

Artists: Perfect Heart
I Samuel 12:24 (Reference)

Bless His Holy Name

Songwriters: Andraé Crouch
I Samuel 12:24 (Reference)

Great Things

I Samuel 12:20-22 (Quote)

1 Samuel 12:20-22 (ESV)

Artists: Stan Blair
I Samuel 12:24 (Quote)

I Samuel 12:24

Artists: Ruth Jacobs
I Samuel 12:24 (Quote)

1 Samuel 12:24 Only Fear the Lord

Artists: Earl Martin
I Samuel 13:14 (Expository)

Your Heart

Artists: Chris Tomlin
I Samuel 13:14 (Expository)

A Man After Your Own Heart

Artists: Gary Chapman
I Samuel 13:14 (Expository)

The Chasing Song

Songwriters: Andrew Peterson
I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

You Can Count On God

I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

Your Worst Mistake

I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

After God’s Own Heart

Artists: Steve Camp
I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

I Wanna Know You Like That

Artists: Anthem Lights
I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

Make Me

Artists: The Advice
I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

My Declaration

I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

Raise Up a King

I Samuel 13:14 (Reference)

The Kings of the Bible Song

Artists: Adam Zarn
I Samuel 14 (Reference)

Great God Almighty

Artists: Third Day
I Samuel 14:1-23 (Reference)

Only an Armor-Bearer

Songwriters: Philip Bliss
I Samuel 15:10-35 (Expository)

The Heart of a King

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 15:22 (Expository)

To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice

Songwriters: Keith Green
Artists: Keith Green
I Samuel 15:22 (Reference)

Consider the Cost

Artists: Steve Camp
I Samuel 15:22 (Reference)

There’s Always a Blessing

I Samuel 15:22 (Quote)

1 Samuel 15:22 B

Artists: PressOn Kids
I Samuel 15:22 (Quote)

1 Samuel 15:22b Behold to Obey

Artists: Earl Martin
I Samuel 16 (Expository)

Calling for David

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 16 (Expository)

The Anointed

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 16 (Expository)

The Heart of a King

Songwriters: Ryan Malone
I Samuel 16:7 (Expository)

God Sees the Heart

I Samuel 16 (Reference)


Artists: Three Bridges
I Samuel 16 (Reference)

God Did

Artists: The Perrys