Songs from Elisha A. Hoffman

Exodus 12:13 (Expository)

When I See the Blood

Numbers 21:17 (Reference)

Open the Wells of Salvation

Deuteronomy 33:27 (Reference)

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

Ruth 1:16 (Reference)

Where Thou Goest I Will Go

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
I Samuel 4:9 (Reference)

Quit You Like Men

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Psalm 51:7 (Reference)

Why I Love My Jesus

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Isaiah 1:18 (Reference)

Why I Love My Jesus

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Isaiah 6:8 (Reference)

Master, Use Me

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Isaiah 12:3 (Reference)

Lord, I am Fondly, Earnestly

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Matthew 10:38 (Reference)

Follow All the Way

Matthew 16:24 (Reference)

Follow All the Way

Matthew 19:14 (Expository)

Suffer Them to Come to Me

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Matthew 20:30 (Reference)

Jesus is Passing By

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Matthew 25:6 (Reference)

The Lord is Coming

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Matthew 27 (Reference)

Are You Washed In The Blood?

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Mark 7:37 (Expository)

Jesus Hath Done All Things Well

Mark 8:34 (Reference)

Follow All the Way

Mark 10:14 (Expository)

Suffer Them to Come to Me

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Mark 10:21 (Reference)

Follow All the Way

Luke 9:23 (Reference)

Follow All the Way

Luke 18:16 (Expository)

Suffer Them to Come to Me

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Luke 18:37 (Reference)

Jesus is Passing By

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Acts 8:21-22 (Reference)

Is Thy Heart Right with God?

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Romans 8:1 (Reference)

Is Thy Heart Right with God

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
I Corinthians 16:13-14 (Reference)

Quit You Like Men

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Ephesians 6:13 (Reference)

On to Victory

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Hebrews 2:18 (Reference)

I Must Tell Jesus

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Hebrews 7:25 (Expository)

Abundantly Able To Save

Hebrews 7:25 (Reference)

Abundantly Able to Save

Artists: E.O. Excell
Hebrews 7:25 (Reference)

Jesus is Able to Save

James 1:21 (Reference)

Abundantly Able To Save

James 4:12 (Reference)

Abundantly Able To Save

Revelation 1:5 (Reference)

Are You Washed In The Blood?

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman
Revelation 7:14 (Reference)

Are You Washed In The Blood?

Songwriters: Elisha A. Hoffman