Songs from John 10

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 10:1-11 (Expository)

Jesus the great and mighty Lord

John 10:1-16 (Expository)

Good Shepherd

Artists: Amy Parker
John 10:1-27 (Expository)

My Sheep Know My Voice

John 10:1-29 (Expository)

Good Shepherd

Artists: Rick Lange
John 10:1-30 (Expository)

Well Kept Sheep (John 10)

John 10:1-33 (Expository)

Good and Faithful Shepherd

John 10:2 (Expository)

Where He Leads

Songwriters: Philip Bliss
John 10:4 (Expository)

My Sheep Know My Voice

Songwriters: H. Buffum, I.G. Martin
John 10:7-9 (Expository)

I Am The Door

John 10:7-9 (Expository)

Jesus Is the Door

Songwriters: Squire Parsons
John 10:7-10 (Expository)

The Way To Heaven

John 10:9 (Expository)

Only One Narrow Way

Songwriters: Birdie Fink
John 10:11 (Expository)

I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11)

Artists: Paul McIntyre
John 10:11-14 (Expository)

I Am The Good Shepherd (Psalm 23)

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 10:11-15 (Expository)

Christ Our Shepherd

Artists: Kenwood Music
John 10:11-15 (Expository)

I Am the Good Shepherd

Artists: Val Goldsack
John 10:11-29 (Expository)

The Good Shepherd

John 10:18 (Expository)


John 10:18 (Expository)


John 10:27 (Expository)

My Sheep Know My Voice

Songwriters: H. Buffum, I.G. Martin
John 10:27 (Expository)

With All My Heart

Artists: Songtime Kids
John 10:28-29 (Expository)

Firm As the Earth Thy Gospel Stands

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 10:28-29 (Expository)

We Will Not Be Abandoned

John 10:1-21 (Reference)


Songwriters: Nicky Chiswell
Artists: Emu Music
John 10:1-21 (Reference)

The Shepherd’s Point of View

Artists: The McKameys
John 10:1-21 (Reference)

Gentle Shepherd

Songwriters: Ann Ballard
Artists: The Perrys
John 10:1-21 (Reference)

Gentle Shepherd

John 10:3 (Reference)

When He Speaks

Songwriters: Sheryl Farris
Artists: The McKameys
John 10:3 (Reference)

I Will Trust You in the Darkness

Songwriters: Rob Smith
Artists: Emu Music
John 10:3 (Reference)

One Day

Songwriters: Phill McHugh
Artists: Wayne Watson
John 10:3-4 (Reference)

A Listening Heart

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 10:3-4 (Reference)


John 10:3-27 (Reference)

Morning For The Whole World

Songwriters: Phill McHugh
Artists: Phill McHugh
John 10:4 (Reference)

I Was a Wandering Sheep

John 10:4 (Reference)

Every Promise

John 10:4 (Reference)


John 10:4 (Reference)

Where He Leadeth

John 10:4-5 (Reference)


Songwriters: Ashley Self
John 10:7 (Reference)


Songwriters: Ashley Self
John 10:7-9 (Reference)

Abide in Me

Artists: Andrew Marcus
John 10:7-9 (Reference)

I Am the Door

John 10:7-9 (Reference)

Judas Kissed The Door

John 10:7-9 (Reference)

Somebody Left The Door Open

John 10:7-9 (Reference)

The Name Above All Other Names

John 10:7-11 (Reference)

Enter by the Door

Songwriters: Barney Warren
John 10:7-14 (Reference)

Tenderly Calling

Songwriters: Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey
John 10:10 (Reference)

Come, Live Life

Songwriters: Michael Mangan
John 10:10 (Reference)

Life In Me

Songwriters: Jay Stocker
John 10:10 (Reference)

Fighting For Me

Artists: Tim Timmons
John 10:10 (Reference)

Life More Abundantly

Artists: Wayne Pascall
John 10:10 (Reference)

I Come That You Might Have Life

John 10:10 (Reference)

More Abundantly

Songwriters: Thoro Harris
John 10:10 (Reference)

Jesus Love

Artists: Adalya
John 10:10 (Reference)

Nothing Ever Can, Nothing Ever Will

Artists: Ross King
John 10:10 (Reference)

One Body in Christ

Songwriters: Michael Mangan
John 10:10 (Reference)

Set My Eyes On You

Artists: Simple Hymns
John 10:10 (Reference)

The Faith By Which We Stand

Artists: Steve Green
John 10:10 (Reference)

Abundant Life

John 10:10 (Reference)

The Faith By Which We Stand

Artists: Steve Green
John 10:10 (Reference)

At the Name of Jesus

John 10:10-14 (Reference)

Still Waters

John 10:11 (Reference)

The Good Shepherd

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 10:11 (Reference)

I am the good Shepherd still

Songwriters: E. W. Chapman
John 10:11 (Reference)

Peter’s Song, Pt. 3

Artists: Lilyfields
John 10:11 (Reference)

Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding

John 10:11 (Reference)

Song of the Man Born Blind

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 10:11-14 (Reference)

Fell Apart

John 10:11-14 (Reference)

He Calls Me Friend

Artists: CityAlight
John 10:11-14 (Reference)

Jesus Is Our Shepherd

John 10:11-14 (Reference)

Shepherds And Wolves

John 10:11-15 (Reference)

O What a Message

John 10:11-16 (Reference)

In the Shepherd’s Care

John 10:11-16 (Reference)

Into the Fold

John 10:11-18 (Reference)

Christ the Good Shepherd

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 10:11-18 (Reference)

Good Shepherd

Artists: Andrea Olson
John 10:11-18 (Reference)


Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
John 10:11-18 (Reference)

The Good Shepherd

Artists: Yolanda Adams
John 10:11-30 (Reference)

Loving Shepherd of your sheep

Songwriters: Jane Leeson
John 10:12 (Reference)

At The Feet of Jesus

John 10:14 (Reference)

The Shepherd of Love

Songwriters: Albert S Reitz
John 10:14-17 (Reference)

The Fold

Artists: Chuck Girard
John 10:15 (Reference)

I Am the Way

Artists: Adrian Snell
John 10:15-17 (Reference)

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Artists: Marty McCall
John 10:16 (Reference)


John 10:17-18 (Reference)

Back in the Grave

John 10:17-18 (Reference)

Peter’s Song, Pt. 5

Artists: Lilyfields
John 10:17-18 (Reference)

Remember Me
