Songs from John

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 1 (Expository)

One Of Us

Songwriters: Nicky Chiswell
Artists: Emu Music
John 1 (Expository)

We Have Seen Your Glory (John 1)

Songwriters: Twila Paris
Artists: Twila Paris
John 1 (Expository)

John 1

Artists: Sue Samuel
John 1 (Expository)

John 1

Artists: Rick Lange
John 1 (Expository)

Passover Lamb

Songwriters: Nadler, Stuart Dauermann
John 1 (Expository)

In the Beginning John 1

John 1:1 (Expository)

All The World He Made Is Good

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 1:1 (Reference)

All The World He Made Is Good

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 1:1-3 (Expository)

The Word

Artists: 1 Voice
John 1:1-4 (Expository)

In The Beginning

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 1:1-5 (Expository)

In the Beginning (John 1)

John 1:1-5 (Expository)

In The Beginning

Artists: Living Seeds
John 1:1-5 (Expository)

In the Beginning

Artists: Ken Canedo
John 1:1-14 (Expository)

The Deity and Humanity of CHRIST

John 1:1-14 (Expository)

We Have Seen His Glory

Songwriters: Nathan Partain
John 1:1-14 (Expository)

Shine in Us

John 1:1-18 (Expository)

The Word (John)

Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Caroline Cobb
John 1:12 (Expository)

Turned Around (John 1:12)

Artists: Paul McIntyre
John 1:12 (Expository)

Not all the nobles of the earth

Songwriters: Samuel Stennett
John 1:12 (Expository)

Yet to All Who Received Him

John 1:12 (Expository)

John 1:12

Artists: Paul McIntyre
John 1:13 (Expository)

Not all the outward forms on earth

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 1:14-16 (Expository)

The Word Became Flesh

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 1:16 (Expository)

Here Is the Light (John 1:16)

Artists: Funky Mama
John 1:16 (Expository)

Grace Upon Grace

Songwriters: Mark Altrogge
John 1:16 (Expository)

Grace Upon Grace

Songwriters: Michael Morrow
Artists: Emu Music
John 1:16 (Expository)

Fullness of Grace

John 1:16 (Expository)

With Grace Enough (John 1:16)

John 1:17 (Expository)

Tov Lachasot Bashem Medley

Songwriters: Stuart Dauermann
John 1:17 (Expository)

The Law By Moses Came

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 1:18 (Expository)

God Lives In Us

Songwriters: Robert Evans
Artists: The Donut Man
John 1:19-28 (Expository)

The Priests and Levites sent to John

John 1:19-34 (Expository)

Prepare the Way

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 1:19-37 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb

Artists: Don Francisco
John 1:26 (Expository)

There Standeth One Among You

Songwriters: Grace P. Turnbull
John 1:29 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb of God

John 1:29 (Expository)

Behold The Lamb

Artists: Alisha Powell
John 1:29 (Expository)

Lamb of God

John 1:29 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb of God

Artists: Laura Story
John 1:29 (Expository)

Now be the God of Israel blessed

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 1:29 (Expository)

Agnus Dei

John 1:29 (Expository)

Lamb of God – 2 Versions

Artists: Val Goldsack
John 1:29 (Expository)

Lamb of God

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 1:29-34 (Expository)

Epiphany On the Jordan

Artists: Steve Bell
John 1:29-36 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb

John 1:29-36 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb

John 1:36 (Expository)

Behold the Lamb

John 1:41 (Expository)

We Have Found Him

Songwriters: Robert L. Fletcher
John 1:45-50 (Expository)

Come And See

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 1:46 (Expository)

Come and See

John 1:46 (Expository)

Jesus, dear name, how sweet it sounds!

Songwriters: Isaac Watts
John 1 (Reference)

Come and See

Songwriters: Marilyn Houser Hamm
John 1 (Reference)

When He Dwelt Among Us

Artists: Carolyn Hyde
John 1 (Reference)

In The Beginning

John 1:1 (Reference)


Songwriters: Bob Farrell, Greg Nelson
John 1:1 (Reference)

The Glory of the Lord

Artists: Mike Herron
John 1:1 (Reference)

His Name is Jesus

Songwriters: Carol Owens, Jimmy Owens
John 1:1 (Reference)

Jesus is Lord

John 1:1 (Reference)

Across the Lands

John 1:1-2 (Reference)

In The Beginning

Artists: Emu Music
John 1:1-3 (Reference)

Creation Song

Artists: Emu Music
John 1:1-3 (Reference)

The Same Jesus

Artists: Matt Redman
John 1:1-3 (Reference)

Your Word

Artists: Emu Music
John 1:1-3 (Reference)


Artists: Bill Monaghan
John 1:1-3 (Reference)

Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 1:1-3 (Reference)

Things Only God Can Do

John 1:1-3 (Reference)


John 1:1-4 (Reference)

Follow The Light

Artists: Chuck Girard
John 1:1-4 (Reference)

Hymn Of The Saviour

Artists: Emu Music
John 1:1-4 (Reference)

In the Beginning

Artists: Asaph Tunes
John 1:1-5 (Reference)

Good Tree

John 1:1-14 (Reference)

The Word Became Flesh

Songwriters: Samuel Longfellow
John 1:1-14 (Reference)

The Word of God

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 1:3 (Reference)

The First Place

Songwriters: Matthew Westerholm
John 1:3 (Reference)

The Light of the World

John 1:3 (Reference)

O the Kindness

Artists: Joyful Noise
John 1:5 (Reference)

In Christ Alone

John 1:5 (Reference)

Light of Heaven

Artists: Andra Moran
John 1:5 (Reference)


Artists: Phil Wickham
John 1:5 (Reference)

He Is the Light

Artists: GroupMusic
John 1:5 (Reference)

Light of the World

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 1:5 (Reference)

Light Is Shining

John 1:5 (Reference)

His Kingdom Now Is Come

John 1:5 (Reference)

Awaken Victory

Artists: ACU Worship
John 1:5 (Reference)

Your Word

Artists: Aaron Shust
John 1:5 (Reference)


Songwriters: Kelly Graham, Tim Briggs
Artists: Folk Hymnal
John 1:5 (Reference)

Love Is a Miracle

John 1:9 (Reference)

The True Light

Artists: Angela Naeve
John 1:9-11 (Reference)

The Light

Songwriters: Nicky Chiswell
Artists: Emu Music
John 1:11 (Reference)

In Christ Alone
