Songs from John 20

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John 20 (Expository)

He Is Not Here

Songwriters: Stuart Dauermann
John 20:1-9 (Expository)

He’s Alive

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 20:1-9 (Expository)

He’s Alive

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 20:1-18 (Expository)

Mary, Mary

Artists: GLAD
John 20:1-18 (Expository)

Was it a Morning Like This

Artists: Steve Bell
John 20:1-29 (Expository)

O Sons and Daughters

Songwriters: John Mason Neale
John 20:11-18 (Expository)


Artists: Sarah Wilcox
John 20:11-18 (Expository)

Mary, Don’t You Weep

Artists: The Dartts
John 20:11-18 (Expository)

Weeping Mary

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
John 20:11-18 (Expository)

Easter Story Hymn, Pt. 2

Artists: Lilyfields
John 20:11-18 (Expository)

I Should Have Known You, Lord

John 20:19-23 (Expository)

Peace Be With You

Artists: Sarah Wilcox
John 20:19-23 (Expository)

That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright

Songwriters: John Mason Neale
John 20:19-25 (Expository)

Peace be Unto You

Songwriters: W.E. Watt
Artists: E.O. Excell
John 20:19-31 (Expository)

We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

Songwriters: Henry Alford
John 20:19-31 (Expository)

When the disciples refuge sought

John 20:20-28 (Expository)

We Are Witnesses

Artists: The Talleys
John 20:21 (Expository)

As The Father Sent Me

Artists: Matt Papa
John 20:22 (Expository)

Breathe upon Us

John 20:22 (Expository)

Expecting the blessing

Songwriters: Charles Wesley
John 20:24-28 (Expository)

Rejoice the Soul of Thy Servant

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
John 20:24-29 (Expository)

Come See the Hands

Artists: Asaph Tunes
John 20:24-29 (Expository)


John 20:24-29 (Expository)

Thomas Never Doubted Again

Songwriters: Rodney Griffin
John 20:24-29 (Expository)

He Is Not Here

Songwriters: Stuart Dauermann
John 20:24-29 (Expository)

To Know You

John 20:24-29 (Expository)

I’ve Got No Doubt

Songwriters: Robert Evans
Artists: The Donut Man
John 20:24-29 (Expository)

What Kind of Man

Artists: Legacy Five
John 20:24-29 (Expository)

My Lord and My God

Artists: Sarah Wilcox
John 20:25-27 (Expository)

He Is Risen

Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Caroline Cobb
John 20:26-27 (Expository)

Now A Witness Am I

Songwriters: Regina Walden
John 20:27 (Expository)

Known By The Scars

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 20:27-29 (Expository)

He Is Risen

Songwriters: Jay Stocker
John 20:28-29 (Expository)

Those Who Have Not Seen

Artists: Anchor Hymns
John 20:31 (Expository)

Life in His Name (John 20:31)

Artists: Paul McIntyre
John 20:31 (Expository)

The Miracle Song

Songwriters: Robert Evans
Artists: The Donut Man
John 20 (Reference)

Freedom’s Slave

Songwriters: Dave Whitcroft
John 20:1-8 (Reference)

Peter’s Song, Pt. 6

Artists: Lilyfields
John 20:1-10 (Reference)

Behold The Lamb Of God

Artists: Emu Music
John 20:1-10 (Reference)

John and Peter

John 20:1-18 (Reference)

I Talked To Him Today

Songwriters: Phill McHugh
John 20:2 (Reference)

I Am The One Whom Jesus Loves

Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
John 20:2 (Reference)

One That Jesus Loved

Artists: Aaron Bush
John 20:2-10 (Reference)

Who Is This Jesus?

Songwriters: Caroline Cobb Smith
Artists: Caroline Cobb
John 20:4-7 (Reference)

He’s Alive

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 20:6-7 (Reference)

At the Breaking of Day

Songwriters: Lessie Hyatt
Artists: The McKameys
John 20:7 (Reference)

The Garden Tomb

John 20:8 (Reference)

Let All the Earth Cry Out

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 20:10-18 (Reference)

Death Has Died

John 20:10-18 (Reference)

I Am The Way

Songwriters: Ann Downing, Toni Clay
Artists: Kingdom Heirs
John 20:11-17 (Reference)

All That Was Lost

Songwriters: Brian Moss, Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 20:11-18 (Reference)

Master Gardener

Songwriters: Grace Assad, Peter Assad
John 20:11-18 (Reference)

Prince of Peace

Artists: Asaph Tunes
John 20:11-18 (Reference)

Prince of Peace

Artists: Asaph Tunes
John 20:11-18 (Reference)

The Garden Tomb

John 20:11-18 (Reference)

What if I Were in the Garden

John 20:11-18 (Reference)

He Lives

John 20:11-18 (Reference)

I Am the Way

Artists: Ann Downing
John 20:13-15 (Reference)

Jesus Went to the Garden

Artists: Tom Willett
John 20:17 (Reference)

I Hear

John 20:18 (Reference)

Jesus – Alive!

Artists: Adrian Snell
John 20:19-20 (Reference)

Peter’s Song, Pt. 6

Artists: Lilyfields
John 20:19-20 (Reference)

We Are Witnesses

Artists: The Talleys
John 20:19-29 (Reference)

Listen to the Words (Peace Be with You)

Songwriters: Joel Payne
John 20:19-31 (Reference)

Jesus Is The Lord

Songwriters: Paul Sheely
Artists: Emu Music
John 20:20 (Reference)

Blessing and Honor

Songwriters: Stuart Townend
John 20:20-27 (Reference)

The Open Arms

John 20:21 (Reference)

Go Tell Everyone

Artists: 1 Voice
John 20:21 (Reference)

Peace Be With You

Artists: Adrian Snell
John 20:22 (Reference)

Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

John 20:22 (Reference)

Breathe on Me, Breath of God

Songwriters: Edwin Hatch
John 20:24-29 (Reference)

My Lord and My God

John 20:24-29 (Reference)

They Came Alone

Songwriters: Don Carson, Rob Smith
John 20:24-29 (Reference)

Don’t You Doubt

John 20:24-29 (Reference)

Easter Story Hymn, Pt. 2

Artists: Lilyfields
John 20:24-29 (Reference)

To Fill Our Empty Hearts

Artists: Benny Hester
John 20:24-29 (Reference)

Let Me See Your Hands

Artists: Josh White
John 20:24-29 (Reference)

What Love Looks Like

John 20:24-29 (Reference)

More Times Than Not

John 20:25 (Reference)

Pleading With Thee

John 20:25 (Reference)

Jesus – Alive!

Artists: Adrian Snell
John 20:25-27 (Reference)

The King of Love

John 20:26-28 (Reference)

I Don’t Have to See the Tomb

Songwriters: Lee Penland
John 20:27 (Reference)

By the Mark

John 20:27 (Reference)

Healing Streams

John 20:27 (Reference)

Risen Indeed

John 20:28 (Reference)

My Lord And My God

Artists: Acappella
John 20:29 (Reference)


Artists: Andy Chrisman
John 20:29 (Reference)


John 20:29 (Reference)

Hope Is Believing

Artists: Cheri Keaggy
John 20:29 (Reference)

Sunday Came
