Songs from John 21

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 21:1-11 (Expository)

Bigger Boat

John 21:1-14 (Expository)

Come and Dine

John 21:1-14 (Expository)


Artists: The Kingsmen
John 21:1-14 (Expository)

Let’s Go Fishing

Artists: Sarah Wilcox
John 21:1-14 (Expository)

Stranger on the Shore

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 21:1-19 (Expository)

Simon, Son of John

Songwriters: Dan Schutte
Artists: Dan Schutte
John 21:15 (Expository)

Do not I love thee, O my Lord?

Songwriters: Philip Doddridge
John 21:15 (Expository)

Lovest Thou Me

Songwriters: William Cowper
Artists: John Newton
John 21:15 (Expository)

Tis A Point I Long To Know

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
John 21:15-17 (Expository)

Forsaken once, and thrice denied

John 21:15-17 (Expository)

Jesus Standing By the Sea

Songwriters: Fanny Crosby
John 21:15-17 (Expository)

Lovest thou Me? I hear my Saviour say

Songwriters: James Mongtomery
John 21:15-17 (Expository)

Feed My Sheep

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 21:15-17 (Expository)

Feed My Lambs

Artists: Adrian Snell
John 21:15-17 (Expository)

Feed My Sheep

Songwriters: Don Francisco
Artists: Don Francisco
John 21:15-19 (Expository)

Do You Love Me?

Artists: Sarah Wilcox
John 21:17 (Expository)

You Hear the Lambs a-cryin’

John 21:18 (Expository)

I Am Not Supposed to Be Here

Songwriters: Michael Card
Artists: Michael Card
John 21:1-6 (Reference)

The Other Side

Artists: The McKameys
John 21:1-17 (Reference)

Peter’s Song, Pt. 6

Artists: Lilyfields
John 21:4 (Reference)

Jesus Stood On the Shore

Songwriters: Henry Gilmour
John 21:7 (Reference)

I Am The One Whom Jesus Loves

Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
John 21:7 (Reference)

One That Jesus Loved

Artists: Aaron Bush
John 21:12 (Reference)

Come and Dine

John 21:12 (Reference)

Come and Dine

Artists: Marvin Sapp
John 21:15 (Reference)

Feed My Sheep

John 21:15 (Reference)

Lovest Thou Me

Songwriters: Bill Gaither
John 21:15 (Reference)

More Than You’ll Ever Know

Songwriters: Rodney Griffin
Artists: Kingdom Heirs
John 21:15 (Reference)

My Jesus, I Love Thee

John 21:15-17 (Reference)


Songwriters: Leon Patillo
Artists: Leon Patillo
John 21:15-17 (Reference)

Peter, Feed My Sheep

John 21:15-17 (Reference)

Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit

John 21:15-17 (Reference)

The Least of These

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 21:17 (Reference)


Artists: Bob Fitts
John 21:17 (Reference)

Listen to the Lambs

John 21:17 (Reference)

Come and Follow Me

Artists: Andy Park
John 21:17 (Reference)

Come and Follow Me

Artists: Andy Park
John 21:18 (Reference)


John 21:19-22 (Reference)

Follow Me, the Master Said

Songwriters: Arthur Cottman
John 21:20 (Reference)

I Am The One Whom Jesus Loves

Songwriters: Abe Philip, Liza Philip
John 21:20 (Reference)

One That Jesus Loved

Artists: Aaron Bush
John 21:25 (Reference)

We Can’t Tell it All

Songwriters: Phil Cross
John 21:4 (Allusion)

Jesus On the Shore

John 21:25 (Quote)

John 21:25

Artists: Awana