Songs from Joel Lindsey

Exodus 32:26 (Reference)

Battle Cry

Artists: The Kingsmen
Numbers 9:15-23 (Reference)

Cloud by Day, Fire by Night

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey
Job 42 (Reference)

39 Chapters Later

Song of Solomon 2:10 (Reference)

Come Away, My Love

Artists: Ivan Parker
Isaiah 53:3 (Expository)

Man of Sorrows

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Tony Wood
Isaiah 63:1 (Reference)

I See a Lamb

Artists: The Kingsmen
Daniel 3 (Reference)

Dancing in the Fire

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Wayne Haun
Matthew 4:19 (Reference)

He Made a Change

Matthew 27 (Reference)

But For the Blood

Artists: The Hoppers
Mark 2:1-13 (Expository)

Raise the Roof

Luke 2:7 (Reference)

A Humble Bed

Luke 19:13 (Reference)

We’ll Work

John 11:34 (Reference)

Jesus Wept

Artists: Legacy Five
John 19:17 (Reference)

I See a Lamb

Artists: The Kingsmen
Acts 9:1-9 (Reference)

He Made a Change

I Corinthians 15:51 (Expository)

We Will Be Changed

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Wayne Haun
Artists: The Perrys
I Corinthians 15:52 (Reference)

When the Trumpet Sounds

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Wayne Haun
II Corinthians 4:8 (Reference)

Blue Skies Coming

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Wayne Haun
Artists: The Perrys
II Corinthians 5:8 (Reference)

Forever Home

Songwriters: Jason Cox, Joel Lindsey
II Corinthians 5:17 (Reference)

He Made a Change

Ephesians 1:5 (Reference)

Orphans of God

I Thessalonians 4:16 (Reference)

When the Trumpet Sounds

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Wayne Haun
I Thessalonians 4:17 (Reference)

Forever Home

Songwriters: Jason Cox, Joel Lindsey
Titus 2:13 (Reference)

Glorious Appearing

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Sue Smith
Titus 2:13 (Reference)

The Lamb

I Peter 1:19 (Reference)

I See a Lamb

Artists: The Kingsmen
Revelation 19:7-9 (Reference)

I See a Lamb

Artists: The Kingsmen
Revelation 21:22-23 (Reference)

I See a Lamb

Artists: The Kingsmen
Revelation 21:23 (Reference)

When the Lamb Becomes the Light

Songwriters: Joel Lindsey, Regie Hamm
Artists: Gold City