Songs from Kyla Rowland

Exodus 33 (Reference)

He Will Hide Me

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Exodus 33:18-23 (Reference)

Called In, Called Up, Called Out

II Kings 5 (Reference)

This Jordan

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: Mercy's Mark
Job 42 (Reference)

39 Chapters Later

Psalm 27:5 (Expository)

He Will Hide Me

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Psalm 33:1 (Reference)

Rejoice, My Children, Rejoice

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Psalm 139:1-11 (Expository)

No Place That Far

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Isaiah 40:4 (Reference)

Even the Valley

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The McKameys
Isaiah 53:2 (Reference)

But He Did

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Jeremiah 6:16 (Reference)

I’ll Take the Old Highway

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Daniel 3 (Reference)

Nothing Was Burned

Artists: The Perrys
Micah 5:2 (Reference)

It All Began in Bethlehem

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Matthew 8:5-13 (Reference)

What’s That For a Healer

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Matthew 14:22-33 (Reference)

Between Me and the Storm

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: Gold City
Matthew 27 (Reference)

I Rest My Case at the Cross

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Matthew 28 (Reference)

Something’s Happening

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Hoppers
Luke 1:63 (Reference)

His Name Was John

Artists: The Perrys
Luke 2:7 (Reference)

A Gift in a Manger

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Luke 7:11-16 (Expository)

Death Had to Let Him Go

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Luke 18:35-43 (Reference)

But I Met a Nazarene

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Luke 24:13-35 (Reference)

But I Met a Nazarene

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
John 1:29 (Reference)

Look No Further

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
John 1:45 (Reference)

But I Met a Nazarene

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Acts 2:24 (Expository)

Death Had to Let Him Go

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Acts 7:56 (Reference)

He Will Row You Over the Tide

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Acts 9:1-9 (Reference)

Damascus Road

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
Acts 12 (Reference)

Moving the Hand of God

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Acts 16:23-24 (Reference)

They Sang a Hymn

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
I Corinthians 15:14 (Expository)

But He Did

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Philippians 4:4 (Reference)

Rejoice, My Children, Rejoice

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys
II Timothy 2:3-4 (Reference)

I Am A Soldier

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
I Peter 5:7 (Allusion)

Have You Visited Heaven Lately

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Revelation 19:7-9 (Reference)

A Wedding Invitation

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Revelation 21:2 (Reference)

Holy Shore

Songwriters: Kyla Rowland
Artists: The Perrys