Songs from John 12

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 12:3 (Expository)

Master, No Offering Costly and Sweet

Songwriters: Edwin P. Parker
John 12:3-7 (Expository)

Broken and Spilled Out

Artists: Steve Green
John 12:12-16 (Expository)

Sing It! Hosanna!

Songwriters: Michael Mangan
John 12:12-19 (Expository)


Artists: First Call
John 12:12-19 (Expository)


Artists: Joshua Aaron
John 12:12-19 (Expository)


John 12:12-19 (Expository)


John 12:13 (Expository)

Blessed Is the King

Artists: Ishmael
John 12:13 (Expository)


Songwriters: Adalya Hadar
Artists: Adalya
John 12:13 (Expository)

Hosanna! Hosanna

Songwriters: Eliza Hewitt
John 12:13 (Expository)

The Children Cry Hosanna

Songwriters: Keith Currie
Artists: The Donut Man
John 12:13 (Expository)

Triumphal Entry

Artists: Joel Limpic
John 12:13 (Expository)

When, His Salvation Bringing

John 12:13-19 (Expository)

Shout Hosanna (Jumping Up and Down)

Songwriters: Robert Evans
Artists: The Donut Man
John 12:24 (Expository)

Now the Green Blade Rises

John 12:24 (Expository)

Unless a Grain of Wheat

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 12:32 (Expository)

Lift Him Up

Songwriters: May E. Warren
John 12:32 (Expository)

Behold the amazing sight

Songwriters: Philip Doddridge
John 12:32 (Expository)

When I Am Lifted Up

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 12:32 (Expository)

Lift Jesus Higher

John 12:32 (Expository)

Gazing upon the Cross

Songwriters: William Walsham How
John 12:32 (Expository)

Lift The Saviour Up

John 12:32 (Expository)

High and Lifted Up

Songwriters: Dianne Wilkinson
John 12:32 (Expository)

Lift Him Up

Songwriters: Johnson Oatman, Jr.
John 12:46 (Expository)

Yeshua is the Light

Artists: Zemer Levav
John 12:1 (Reference)

He Came to Bethany

John 12:1-8 (Reference)

The Forgiveness

Songwriters: Samuel Stone
John 12:3 (Reference)

Meeting Jesus

Artists: David Norfrey
John 12:3 (Reference)

The Fragrance

Artists: Tommy Walker
John 12:3 (Reference)

Always Good

John 12:12 (Reference)

Passover Lamb

John 12:12-16 (Reference)

We’ve Come to Praise Our King

Artists: David Crain
John 12:12-19 (Reference)


Artists: 3youth
John 12:12-19 (Reference)

Psalm Sunday Song

John 12:12-19 (Reference)

Ride on, Ride on in Majesty

John 12:12-19 (Reference)

Along the Ancient Highway

John 12:12-19 (Reference)

Hosanna (Make Way)

Artists: Antioch Music
John 12:13 (Reference)


John 12:13 (Reference)

Holy Lord

Songwriters: Steve Bell
Artists: Steve Bell
John 12:13 (Reference)


John 12:13 (Reference)


John 12:13 (Reference)

Hosanna (Triumphal Entry)

Songwriters: Jimmy Owens
John 12:13 (Reference)


John 12:13 (Reference)


Artists: Dan Jaasma
John 12:13 (Reference)

I Hear

John 12:13 (Reference)


John 12:13 (Reference)

Lift High the Triumph Song Today!

Songwriters: Ernest McGregor
John 12:13 (Reference)

Baruch HaBa

Artists: Misha Goetz
John 12:13 (Reference)

Like a Child

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 12:13 (Reference)

Behold Your King

John 12:13 (Reference)

Long Live The King

Artists: Adrian Snell
John 12:13 (Reference)

Blessed Is He

Songwriters: Josh Garrels
Artists: Josh Garrels
John 12:13 (Reference)

Open the Gates of the Temple

John 12:13 (Reference)

Blessed Is He

John 12:13 (Reference)

Palm Sunday – Blessed Is He

Artists: Pete Crockett
John 12:15 (Reference)

The Daughter of Zion

John 12:15 (Reference)

Ride On, King Jesus

Artists: Steve Bell
John 12:21 (Reference)

Look And Live

Songwriters: Harris H. Hayden
John 12:21 (Reference)

We would see Jesus

John 12:21 (Reference)

We Would See Jesus

Songwriters: J. W. Wayland
John 12:24 (Reference)

More of You

John 12:24 (Reference)

“If it Die,” Oh, Hear the Message

Songwriters: Anonymous, Carl Lowden
John 12:24 (Reference)

A Grain of Wheat

Artists: Bill Monaghan
John 12:24 (Reference)

Jesus the Seed

Artists: The Donut Man
John 12:26 (Reference)

Follow Me, the Master Said

Songwriters: Arthur Cottman
John 12:28 (Reference)

Glorify Thy Name

Songwriters: Donna Adkins
John 12:28 (Reference)

Glorify Your Name

John 12:29-36 (Reference)

Behold the Lamb of God

Artists: Ted Pearce
John 12:32 (Reference)

Remember Me

John 12:32 (Reference)

The Loadstone

Songwriters: John Newton
Artists: John Newton
John 12:32 (Reference)

Lift Him Up

John 12:32 (Reference)

Father Lift Me Up

Artists: Honeytree
John 12:32 (Reference)

Lift the Savior Up

John 12:32 (Reference)

Glorify Yourself In Me

John 12:32 (Reference)

Grant Us Thy Peace

Artists: Deeper Well
John 12:32 (Reference)

Lift The Saviour Up

John 12:32 (Reference)

Help Me Lift Him

John 12:32 (Reference)

Lift Up The Name Of Jesus Christ

Artists: Wayne Pascall
John 12:32 (Reference)

Jesus Be Lifted Up

Artists: Mercy Worship
John 12:32 (Reference)

O my Saviour, lifted

Songwriters: William Walsham How
John 12:32 (Reference)

Jesus You Reign

John 12:32 (Reference)

Remember Me

John 12:35 (Reference)

The Beautiful Light

John 12:35 (Reference)

Walk in the Light

Artists: Adele Morgan
John 12:35-36 (Reference)

Let Us Walk in the Light

Songwriters: Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey
John 12:35-36 (Reference)

Walk in the Light

Artists: David Norfrey
John 12:38 (Reference)


Artists: Scott Norris
John 12:47 (Reference)

He’s Just the Same Today

John 12:3 (Allusion)


Artists: Niqui Carlton
John 12:24 (Quote)

Much Fruit (John 12:24)
