Songs from John 15

If you’re simply looking for good songs quickly, this is a list currently being curated of some of the best songs from each chapter. See the full list at advanced search.

John 15 (Expository)

John 15

Artists: Joel Limpic
John 15 (Expository)

John 15

Artists: Living Seeds
John 15 (Expository)

I Call You Friend

Songwriters: Marty Goetz
Artists: Marty Goetz
John 15:1-5 (Expository)

Bring Forth Fruit

Songwriters: Ron Hamilton
Artists: Majesty Music
John 15:1-5 (Expository)

Jesus, immutably the same

Songwriters: Augustus Toplady
John 15:1-5 (Expository)

Thou Hast Said Thou Art the Vine

Songwriters: Anonymous, Watchman Nee
John 15:1-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

Artists: David Norfrey
John 15:1-8 (Expository)

I Am The Vine

Artists: Steve Green
John 15:1-8 (Expository)

True Vine

Songwriters: Colin Buchanan
John 15:1-10 (Expository)

I Am the Vine

Songwriters: K. Shaw
John 15:1-15 (Expository)

There Stands Jesus

John 15:1-16 (Expository)

Bring Forth Fruit

John 15:3 (Expository)

No Greater Love

John 15:4-5 (Expository)

You Are the Vine

Songwriters: Dwight Beal
John 15:4-5 (Expository)

I Am the Vine

Artists: Val Goldsack
John 15:4-5 (Expository)

Planted in Christ, the living vine

John 15:4-5 (Expository)

Abide in Me (John 15:4-5)

John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

John 15:4-7 (Expository)

The Vine Divine

Artists: Wayne Pascall
John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

Artists: Asaph Tunes
John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

Artists: Helen Baylor
John 15:4-7 (Expository)


John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Ever Abiding

John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

John 15:4-7 (Expository)

Abide in Me

John 15:4-10 (Expository)

Abide in Me

John 15:4-10 (Expository)

Now He Abides In Me

John 15:5 (Expository)

I Am The Vine

Songwriters: John Michael Talbot
John 15:5 (Expository)

Abide in Me

John 15:5 (Expository)

Apart From The Vine

John 15:5-14 (Expository)

I Will Be the Vine

Songwriters: Liam Lawton
John 15:7 (Expository)

Walk On The Water

Artists: Dallas Holm
John 15:7-12 (Expository)

If You Abide in Me

John 15:9-14 (Expository)

So Love

Artists: Angler's Chat
John 15:11-12 (Expository)

This Is My Commandment

Songwriters: Anonymous
John 15:11-17 (Expository)

A Life Of Love

Songwriters: Michael Mangan
John 15:12 (Expository)

Love Each Other – John 15:12

Artists: Promiseland
John 15:12 (Expository)

Love Each Other (John 15:12)

John 15:12-14 (Expository)

This Is My Command

Songwriters: Robert Evans
Artists: The Donut Man
John 15:12-17 (Expository)

This Is My Will

Artists: Koiné
John 15:12-17 (Expository)

Love One Another

Songwriters: Jon Mohr, Randall Dennis
Artists: Steve Green
John 15:13 (Expository)

No Greater Love

Artists: Smokie Norful
John 15:13 (Expository)

Greater Love Hath No Man

John 15:13 (Expository)

No Greater Love

Songwriters: John W. Peterson
John 15:13 (Expository)

Christ Our Passover

Artists: Bob Hurd
John 15:13 (Expository)

Greater Love

John 15:13 (Expository)

No Greater Love

John 15:13 (Expository)

No Greater Love

John 15:13 (Expository)

No Greater Love

Artists: Sandra Crouch
John 15:15 (Expository)

Yet You Call

John 15:16 (Expository)

My Lord, I did not choose you

Songwriters: Josiah Conder
John 15:16 (Expository)

My Lord, I Did Not Choose You

Songwriters: Josiah Conder
John 15:18 (Expository)

No Surprise

Artists: Steve Green
John 15 (Reference)

Last Dinner

Artists: Bill Monaghan
John 15:1-5 (Reference)

Only Jesus Christ

Artists: Citizens
John 15:1-6 (Reference)

Good Tree

John 15:1-8 (Reference)

Bearing Fruit for the Master

John 15:1-8 (Reference)

One Body in Christ

Songwriters: Michael Mangan
John 15:1-8 (Reference)

Proverbs 3

Artists: Chris O'Bryan
John 15:1-12 (Reference)

Remain in Me

Songwriters: J. Brian Craig
John 15:1-15 (Reference)


John 15:2 (Reference)

Hold on ‘Til Harvest

Artists: Cheri Keaggy
John 15:2 (Reference)

Now the sowing and the weeping

John 15:2 (Reference)

Prune Us Lord

John 15:3 (Reference)

There Is No Greater Love

John 15:3 (Reference)

Yet You Call

John 15:4-5 (Reference)

How Lovely Shines the Morning Star

Artists: Koiné
John 15:4-5 (Reference)

If I Speak Words of Wisdom

Songwriters: Marcus Pagnam
John 15:4-5 (Reference)

Our Light

John 15:4-5 (Reference)


John 15:4-5 (Reference)

Praise Him

Songwriters: Josh Garrels
Artists: Josh Garrels
John 15:4-5 (Reference)

Thine, Wholly Thine

John 15:4-5 (Reference)

Amid The World’s Bleak Wilderness

Artists: Koiné
John 15:4-5 (Reference)


John 15:4-7 (Reference)


Songwriters: Seth Harper
John 15:4-7 (Reference)


Songwriters: Seth Harper
John 15:4-7 (Reference)

Bread of Life

Artists: Asaph Tunes
John 15:4-7 (Reference)


John 15:4-7 (Reference)

He Feedeth His Flock

John 15:4-7 (Reference)

I Know

Songwriters: Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey
John 15:4-7 (Reference)

I Worship You

Artists: Newday
John 15:4-7 (Reference)

In the March of Life

John 15:4-7 (Reference)

Abide In Me

Artists: Ana Laura
John 15:4-7 (Reference)

Jesus, Savior, On Thy Breast

John 15:4-7 (Reference)

Abide in Me

Artists: Andrew Marcus
John 15:4-7 (Reference)

O to Abide in Jesus

John 15:4-9 (Reference)

Closer Than a Friend

Artists: Allie Paige
John 15:4-10 (Reference)


Songwriters: Fanny Crosby, Ira Sankey
John 15:4-10 (Reference)

Abiding in Jesus

John 15:4-10 (Reference)

Shepherds And Wolves

John 15:5 (Reference)

Fell Apart

John 15:5 (Reference)


Songwriters: Clara McAlister
John 15:5 (Reference)

Sweet Communion

John 15:5 (Reference)

The Way
